Coffee and Race

Is there no refuge from controversy? Starbucks has started a campaign asking it's baristas to write on your cup "race together" and apparently try to engage you in a conversation about this subject.

I love coffee, it's literally a part of my morning ritual. I don't love Starbucks, the coffee not the company or it's agents. When I go there it's for the free WiFi and an Americano. By the way I always insist on a real cup for my beverage so how will they handle this? Will they say here's you're Americano and what do you think of the state of race relations in our country? I don't want to talk about anything. I just want to drink my coffee, surf the web and maybe blog about how bitter and overpriced Starbucks is.

Seriously, why are they putting this kind of pressure on their employees? The baristas bust their ass and are very busy trying to please the unpleasable.

I can understand Starbucks as a company wanting to address this issue internally and engage with employees at all levels, that's applaudable. But this customer campaign seems strange.

Every Starbucks I have ever been in is pretty darn diverse, both barista and customer. Some people seem really worked up about this. I'm not, on the other hand I haven't experienced it yet.

Maybe I'll blog about it using Starbucks WiFi when I do.


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