Secular Interruptus
The State of Oklahoma is not happy about Federal Courts striking down their anti-gay marriage law last year. They are so outraged by this meddlesome interference with their institutional bigotry that they are considering passing a law which would outlaw any government office in the state from issuing marriage licenses. Instead of a license you would have to get a certificate issued by a clergyman. The thought process being the end of gay marriage in Oklahoma.
Not so my dim little legislative bulbs. Large numbers of your citizens can go online and become an ordained minister in a matter of minutes and oh yeah it's valid because of that whole Church State U.S. Constitution thing. The clergy, including all of those newly ordained, will now have a new revenue source and it's tax free. Clever, very clever.
You will then have to pass new laws eliminating any religion that goes against what you want. Perhaps you will need to jail numerous clergymen to intimidate the uncooperative.
This all sounds like fantasy but I assure you it isn't. Large numbers of legislators and even the Governor kinda like this idea. Where it ends up is hard to say. One thing is certain if the State ceases to issue marriage licenses it will lose revenue so it will have to find a way to stick it's fingers in the clergy's till and extract a fee. The clergy will respond with a loud go away, government can't involve itself in religion.
It has often been said that the states are the laboratories of democracy, these days there seem to be a lot of mad scientists on the loose.
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