Return of the Draft?

According to some poll 62% of Americans favor boots on the ground to combat ISIS. Yes I do know which poll but it doesn't matter because a poll can be manipulated to get any answer you want.

There are those suggesting a return to the Draft so that more Americans will have "skin in the game", that part is in quotations because I despise the term. Let me assure you no Draft will put the privileged and their offspring in the game. It will continue to be poor people fighting the wars but the pay and benefits would be slashed. Sound good to you?

The volunteer service has served us well and should be preserved. It is our very foolish political leaders of the last two administrations who has stretched our military capabilities too thin and taken a severe toll on our soldiers and their families.

I have a great idea for fighting ISIS, let the middle eastern countries pull their heads out of their collective asses and join together to defeat that despicable group. A group that represents a much greater threat to them. The Saudis and others want us to do all the heavy lifting on their behalf. Spill our blood, deplete our treasury, no not again. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan combined could defeat ISIS. The Kurds fully armed and unleashed could make those butchers wish they had never gathered to begin with. Of course it's pointless to remind the world Saddam Hussein would already have hacked off the heads of ISIS. Yes he was a bastard but sometimes you need one to confront twisted ideologues.

If the middle east can't get it's shit together then we can use air power, special ops and banking clout to end this latest group of thugs. Then the next group will rise. There's a pattern here and the fault lays with tribal rivalries and a refusal for the inhabitants of that region of the world to recognize they must find the simple common ground of survival and act in unison to assure it.

We must stop enabling these countries from fixing their problems and creating a prosperous and safe future for all their peoples.


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