The Age of Ignorance

Dr. Ben Carson, a darling of the far right, has once again dazzled us with his brilliance on being gay.

During an interview with CNN Carson stated that being gay was a choice. When pushed to explain his theory he replied that men go into prison straight and then come out of prison gay so there you are.

Actually Dr. Carson most of the sex in prison is rape, which I'm sure you know. Right? No apparently not. One research scientist said it best when she said Carson's statement was insane.

Carson has made many statements about the GLBT community, all of them stupid. Ben Carson proves that extensive formal education does not translate to intelligence.

If you follow politics closely then you know that Carson has been promoted by many conservatives has their best chance to wow America and take back the White House. They've been saying this for four years. I have watched Dr. Carson closely and listened to him at length and he is not their answer, he's their problem.

When this man opens his mouth it tends to result in batshit crazy with just a twist of intentional ignorance.

To recap Dr. Carson, gay people are born gay, it is not a choice. What to have for lunch is a choice, what shirt to where is a choice and standing up to ignorant people like you is a choice.

Did I mention you won't be getting my vote?

This morning Dr. Carson supposedly apologized for his gay comments on CNN. Problem is he said exactly what he believes and his previous history is proof. Stop saying stupid stuff Ben, then you won't have to apologize, unfortunately for you that means you can never speak again.


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