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Well, that last post certainly was fun to write and I may have more. Is it really a scandal that Hillary Clinton used a personal email routed through her own server while Secretary of State?  

It is if you're already a Clinton hater or possible opponent. But let's be clear about that annoying little thing called facts. Clinton was not required to use a government email while she served. That rule went into place in the fall of 2014. John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to use a government email address. Condeleeza Rice didn't do emails, not sure how she pulled that off, but good for her. Colin Powell used personal email to conduct business. We've never heard a peep about that. We also haven't heard a peep about Clinton until now and she's been out of office for over two years. Suddenly we are to believe this is a scandal and something which merits our attention and concern? Could it be that there's a hidden reason for the New York Times story? Could it be that Clinton is probably going to run for President and this sells papers?

She has released 55,000 pages of e-mails. Let's say that again 55,000 pages so far and counting. She has not said no to any requests and is in compliance with all federal regulations. When and if a breach of national security is legitimately shown as a result of using a private email account to conduct business then I will take note of this issue and consider it serious. No such thing has been shown. If it were such an important breach of protocol why of we heard nothing of it before and why didn't the Executive Branch make changes at the time.

The suggestion that somehow journalists and historians will not have full access to this information is ridiculous. Let's say it again together, 55,000 emails have already been released.

No one has access to secret information without clearance and our government is not above redacting what it feels shouldn't be known.

If as is suggested, that Hillary Clinton's email could have been more easily hacked then getting those emails without her consent should prove no problem for the government or any 14 year old with a computer.

This is an attempt to make something out of nothing and attack Hillary Clinton because of her name and potential status as a Presidential candidate.

Where's the beef?


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