Pot and Kettle

Speaker John Boehner is fond of accusing President Obama of violating the Constitution on a variety of actions including his Executive Orders. Mr. Speaker you have broken not only acceptable protocols, but you are in violation of Article 2 section 3 of the U.S. Constitution by inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress without prior consultation with the Executive Branch.                     
                                                               Netanyahu is no babe in the woods and knows exactly what U.S. protocols call for and this is nothing but a finger in the eye of the President of the United States. He is welcome to personally dislike any occupant of that office but he is not entitled to disrespect The Office, which is exactly what he has done. For Boehner's part he has been ill advised to take this action. A speech before a joint session of Congress has historical importance and is supposed to be a rare and singularly significant occurrence, especially by a foreign leader. The Netanyahu address cheapens and denegrates this important event in our governmental life.


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