Here I Go...

Many posts ago I reflected on why I was returning to writing a blog. I said I had to mull over what it would be about. My last blog was predominantly about politics published from 2007 to late 2009. The idea was to focus on the 2008 Presidential campaign, which it did, with a few other things thrown in.

Clearly as you can see I've been writing mostly about politics. I just can't help myself, that subject and how we arrive at public policy is just too important to ignore. At least in my opinion. It's clear from the depressingly small percentage of Americans that vote, we don't all share this opinion. I have many interests but this one probably will dominate once again.

For those following, thanks. If you think you know where I fit on the political spectrum I warn you, it's not so simple. The single person, if there is one, who motivated my interest in politics at a very early age was William F. Buckley Jr. I never missed an opportunity to watch Firing Line and was quite unhappy when it left the airways. Does that mean I'm a conservative? Not really, but it should also be noted that in today's climate Buckley would also be rejected as a conservative. When he came out before his death saying the Iraq War was a mistake it brought wrath upon him. Does that mean I'm a liberal? I don't have a big problem with that label as it relates to nineteenth century political awakenings. I am a liberal in the grand tradition of Winston Churchill. Though again, Churchill would not be welcomed into the American version of conservatism today. It does not escape me that labeling people politically, and otherwise, is a favorite pastime. So let the labeling  begin. Have fun but keep it respectful.

The internet is a remarkable and revolutionary place. It has given voice to those who have none. It also has a lot of trash and smacktalk on it. Some believe it's appropriate to introduce personal animosity into anything and everything. I don't share this view. What's written needs to be interesting enough to read but not so vitriolic that it loses it's point. Whatever I write I always hear Harlan Ellison in my head saying you are not entitled to your opinion, you are entitled to your informed opinion. So I do my best to insure that any post that cites facts are correct and that my opinion is drawn from multiple sources and careful reflection.

A blog is a snapshot of a moment of thought, so it reflects whatever strikes you as interesting in that moment without the interference of gatekeepers, I'll do a separate commentary on gatekeepers at a later date.

As to the name stamped on this blog, it is and is not my name. It is an amalgamous pseudonym. Why? Because of what I said about the internet earlier in this post. Also many of my favorite writers have used pseudonyms to suit certain publishing needs.

I am old enough to have developed very well informed opinions and wise enough to know that learning never ends and the best lessons do not occur in the classroom.

This post is proof that breaking wind is indeed entertaining!


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