47 Douchebags

You're not supposed to start a sentence with a number so I won't but 47 Republican U.S. Senators have sent a truly moronic letter to the President of Iran. It's intent, no matter what they say, is to subvert the authority of the President of the United States. These people need a serious refresher course in the Constitution. The letter is laughable in it's simplicity and condescending attitude toward the Iranian government.

The citizens of Iran are highly educated. Their leaders, who suck on multiple levels, were mostly educated in the west. They know what our Constitution says, apparently better than these Senators. The talking heads and Democrats are being polite in calling it an unprecedented act and inappropriate. The founding fathers, which Republicans love to reference, would have much stronger language and action on this misguided foray. They would jail them.

But we're not going to do that. We'll just call it one more slap in our President's face by a group of people who just can't let go of their collective insanity.

We don't even know the complete details of the policy that Obama and his diplomatic team are pursuing. It's not over yet. If a treaty is being proposed it cannot be implemented until ratified by the Senate, leaving plenty of time for debate. If it's a bad deal then stop it legislatively, but you do not aid and abet the enemy abroad with signs of disrespect for the Commander In Chief. Beyond our own shores we are supposed to stand together. In fact the Constitution spells it out clearly in the division of powers.

How much more war does this Congress want. If diplomacy can achieve our goals or even delay unwanted things then let it play out.Iran is a large country with a capable military. How much blood would be spilled to prevent what the Israeli Masad says Iran isn't even close to having?

If the day comes when we must confront Iran militarily then so be it, but don't wish for it and stop justying the stupidity of not pursuing diplomacy.


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