Benghazi (Still)

What happened in Benghazi should never be forgotten but Congress has nothing further to discover on this matter.

They won't stop of course because Republicans are desperate to tar and feather Hillary Clinton for this horrible butchering of our American diplomats.

How about doing the unbelievable in Washington and blame the people who are truly responsible for this bloody deed. Let me spell it out for you geniuses, it's the scumbag murderers in Libya. For the record all murder is an act of terror and it's irrelevant how quickly you choose to use the term, if at all.

Our Foreign Service personnel put their lives on the line everyday, we simply don't think about it unless something terrible happens. Congress has repeatedly refused to increase funding for embassy security especially before, during and after Benghazi.

This was a terrible tragedy but it is not Hillary Clinton's fault. She could not have prevented it, if she could have she would have.

Get a clue, get off this track and focus on creating better security for diplomatic personnel. It would also be wise to make better assessments of whether we should have a physical presence in certain areas of the world.


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