The Big Tweet
Dear readers, this is a special day. You are about to enjoy, or not, the 300th post on Kane's Realm. When it launched in the fall of 2014 I wasn't really sure I would stay with it or what direction it would take, though politics seemed the logical path. Food or how to knit a sweater would probably have been more popular but I'm only interested in eating food and I don't know how to knit. Today is also special because it is my last post. Nah, I'm just yankin' your chain. It's not my last post. Come on, the election isn't over yet and who knows what's going to happen. I have thought about taking this blog in it's entirety and possibly 100 or so commentaries from my previous blog and entertwining some new thoughts about various posts and blogging in general into a self published book, but that could be expensive, we'll see. One thing has remained consistent in my writing and that is my poor use of punctuation. I pledge that will never change. I...