
Showing posts from 2016

The Write Path

Writing is like using a muscle, if you stop it atrophies. My problem as it relates to our current political environment in America is that I am not shocked by anything Trump is doing. Absent outrage over an unexpected atrocity makes it hard to crank out a regular commentary. Now, if I were being paid to produce this little plop of crap for you, I most certainly would muster the energy necessary to do so. But I'm not. What is there to say. Hillary Clinton is leading Donald Trump in the popular vote by 2.7 million, proving the Electoral College needs to be abolished, but I yawn. Trump has Mike Pence by his side waiting to implement a national assault on gay people and the reproductive rights of women, a Christian Jihad if you will, is Trump going to allow it? Trump has appointed a conspiracy theory nutbag, General Michael Flynn, as National Security Advisor but fortunately is nominating General James Mattis as Secretary of Defense, yes I support the waiver because he will be the san...

National Popular Vote

I urge you to go to and explore how the individual States of our nation can and are taking action to make the popular vote in our Presidential elections actually matter and it doesn't require a Constitutional Amendment. Senator Barbara Boxer of California introduced a bill in the Senate yesterday calling for the start of a Constitutional Amendment process to eliminate the Electoral College. This is not going to go anywhere. The original reasons for the Electoral College no longer has the same merit because of the size of our country and the dispersal of our population. As I write this Hillary Clinton now leads in the popular vote by 1,150,000 and growing. Every elected official in our country is elected by getting the most votes. It's time to change the system. The Electoral College has for most of our history corresponded to the popular vote and so has been continued to be accepted. Twice in sixteen years it has failed to match. In a country that c...


In politics it's standard operating procedure to attack the media, if your back is to the wall just change the topic to the media is bad and dishonest. A free press is necessary for the survival of democracy but now more than ever people are turning from traditional news sources to websites that traffic in fantasy and conspiracy theories or radio personalities that simply echo what their audience wants to hear. Many are accepting these false stories as fact and not bothering to take the few minutes necessary to discover the truth. Case in point are the reports that a lot of Americans are getting their information from Facebook. In their news feed they read a truckload of fake stories and take it as fact. Your news feed on Facebook is not the news, it's what your "friends" are posting and sharing intermixed with advertising and fake news sites deliberately spreading misinformation. The founder of Facebook dismisses this by saying we're not a news site, which is a ...

Pepto Election

How ya feelin' champ? A little better? Just take a spoonful of Pepto and a sedative at bedtime, you'll be fine, mostly. Let's start with a deep breath, now on to some useless analysis. We'll begin with draining the swamp. That phrase actually means nothing. Swamps encompass an entire ecosystem and the creatures living there are amazingly adaptable, so it is in politics. Most of the names being floated for the new Trump Administration are old well known names and insiders. Rience Priebus has been appointed Chief of Staff, there is no greater insider in Republican politics than it's current Party Chairman and it is a direct olive branch to the Republican leadership in Congress. Steve Bannon of Breitbart News and a former senior executive of Goldman Sachs has been named Chief Strategist, which simply means advisor, although President-elect Trump says he will be equal to Priebus which is, strange. All Presidents have paid advisors. It seems the long reach of Goldman S...


That's the percentage of eligible American voters that didn't. This bizarre phenomenon is unique to the United States. In most other countries of the world where citizens have the right to vote they show up in immense numbers. Still other countries are dictatorships and their citizens long to be free and want to vote. But here in the United States nearly half the voting population stays home and that is not a recent development, it has been the same for many decades. The most common reason someone gives for not voting is that their vote doesn't count. A reason that is easily proved wrong when you focus on that number, 46%. If all of those voters showed up on election day they could quite literally chart the course of the nation. I believe the real reason they stay home is because they think the United States will always be a free nation with a McDonald's and a Walgreen's on every corner. That there will never be armed troops patrolling the streets. That there wil...

The Day After

Well, how you doing today. Feeling nauseous? Feeling giddy with joy? Feeling like the Republic is now under the control of a Sith Lord? Feeling like the saviour of the nation has arrived? I guess it all depends on where you stand. I said in this little forum from the very beginning that Donald Trump could get the Republican nomination and go on to win the Presidency. I was hopeful that he wouldn't but never delusional that he couldn't. Forget about the polls which got it wrong and forget about the professional pundits who got it wrong and are still getting it wrong in their analysis. Trump won in the Electoral College because of rural America turning out in large numbers. As I write this Hillary Clinton still has over 200,000 more votes than Donald Trump and that number will likely grow by the time the count is complete. The irony is that the same people who voted for Donald Trump are the ones who rail against the Electoral College. Let me repeat again that millions of Amer...

Myth and Mayhem

As always when addressing the healthcare topic I begin with reminding readers there is no such thing as Obamacare. Republicans, most notably Mitt Romney in his 2012 Presidential Campaign dubbed the Affordable Care Act "Obamacare" in an effort to demonize it and turn it into a negative. Obama in a very clever political maneuver embraced it and turned it into a positive. Just a week out from the general election, the news is jam packed with all the headlines that insurance premiums are going up in the A.C.A. insurance exchanges from 22% to 25% or as much as 40% depending on whose figures you use, big discrepancy between 22 and 40, don't you think? Here are some basic facts about the increases, less than one percent of those using the exchanges will face an increase directly from their pocket. For the rest, because they can't afford it, the federal subsidies will pick up that increase. Does that mean the impact on that one percent doesn't matter? Absolutely not. It ...

Expect Me, When You See Me

Well, here I am again. But really, why bother? In nine short days this election will be over, maybe. I don't know who the winner of the Presidential race will be, I've given you my prediction, including the percentages but  no one really knows. Here's what we do know, Donald Trump is completely ignorant of how our election system works and he continues his chant of corruption. What Trump fails to understand is that if he wins, the American people, including me, will accept the outcome because our process is sound and honest. Whatever irregularities that occur are from innocent mistakes, not corruption and the numbers are not significant enough to alter the election. It starts with your friends and neighbors, do you trust them? They are the front line of our elections, volunteering their time to serve on precinct election boards. I was once a Precinct Vice-committeeman and then a Precinct Committeeman, I have seen our system up close and I know how it works. I have parti...

All Good Things...?

The internet is filled with abandoned blogs. Some have many posts, others none or very few. The ones with many and then suddenly stop have left me wondering, what happened to the writer? The self evident conclusion is boredom, frustration or it simply had served it's purpose. Rarely is there a final post saying goodbye. There was a blog I used to read that ended in 2012 with a final post that touched me deeply. The writer had Alzheimer's and was no longer able to give all that he wished. He thanked his readers and said farewell with the heart wrenching poem "The Long Goodbye." From early 2007 to late 2009 I wrote a blog that mainly covered the Presidential election of 2008. By 2009 I had reached a plateau, it had met it's purpose and a restlessness had descended on me. When I launched Kanes Realm I had no specific direction in mind, though clearly politics became the focus. I have called this Presidential election a season of disgust and it has been so because ...


Conflation is a favorite tactic in politics, blending together things that have no relationship and pretending that they do. Trump's sexual misconduct charges are a perfect example of this as he attempts to use Bill Clinton's past as an issue when it is Hillary Clinton he is running against. Then to illogically say that people should not consider allegations against him from ten years ago, then immediately ranting about Bill Clinton over events from forty years ago. But there are other uses of conflation that are more disturbing. Throughout social media there are attempts to join together Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and whistleblowers in general. None of these belong in the same topic. I have written about my view of Edward Snowden, he released confidential information that he legally had access to and came to believe it's proof of wrongdoing should be released to the public. A gifted lawyer could certainly assert that Snowden's actions were those of a whistleblower...


WikiLeaks has begun dumping thousands of emails surrounding Hillary Clinton. Before you get too excited about this, let's consider some things which are of more than a little importance. The founder of WikiLeaks is Julian Assange, an Australian computer programmer, publisher and editor. He is a hacker and is affiliated with numerous hackers across the world including Russians who act directly at their governments behest. Hacking is a crime no matter how much we may enjoy what comes from that criminal act. Assange has spent the past few years living in the Equadoran Embassy in London. He took this measure because he is a fugitive. He is wanted in Sweden for questioning in a case where he is alleged to have committed rape. He tried to squash that warrant for his arrest while living in London. When he failed he was granted asylum by Equador. A Swedish court just recently made it clear that warrant remains in effect. If he steps one foot out of that Embassy he will be arrested and re...

Comments Reminder

This is just a bit of housekeeping. I welcome comments from anyone who wishes to participate. Your comments must be respectful and on point for the specific post. If the origin of a comment is from Anonymous or unknown it will not be published. If it is abusive, incoherent or otherwise irrelevant it will not be published. I've been doing this a long time and learned very early on to control comment moderation. Thank you.

Public and Private Position

It's just one non-revealing revelation after another. This time it's about Hillary Clinton and leaked excerpts from those Wall Street speeches we've heard so much about. The focus is on her saying that people get nervous about what goes on in behind closed doors discussions and that to get anything done in Washington you have to take a "private and public position." That is a factual statement about politics going back thousands of years. But for the sake of this discussion we'll stick to our country going all the way back to it's founding, that's the way it is folks, if you don't like it tear down the Republic and replace it with a dictatorship, then you won't have to worry about any of these things. The simplicity of legislation is this, when it's working, negotiations between legislators and the executive involve bartering. If you vote yes on x, I won't oppose you on y. Public policy is created by give and take. Each party sets at ...

Time To Act?

I was not going to write another commentary until after Sunday nights debate but resistance is futile. In light of the Access Hollywood dump of Trump's vulgarness about women many Republicans have unendorsed him. Speaker Ryan disinvited him from an event in Wisconsin and Ryan was booed by Trump supporters at that event. In leadership only Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell demanded that Trump issue a real apology. You will recall that early Friday Trump issued a written statement using the words "if anyone was offended" I apologize. Which of course was not an apology, it's a phrase used when you wish to convey contempt for your audience. Trump's ninety second video released at Midnight Friday was no better but it was Trumpian. Senator Mike Lee said this morning that it was "time to act". No Senator, the time to act was a year ago. All of the speculation about Trump dropping out of the race is total fantasy. The Party cannot force him out, he would h...


To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "here I go again." Two days ago Bill Clinton was on the stump and made comments about the Affordable Care Act and the problems in it. His use of "craziest thing" is all the media is talking about and so, of course is Donald Trump, who is the craziest thing to ever come along. I'll get back to the media but let's stay focused. Americans say they want to hear the truth but when it gets said by prominent political figures they either lose their minds or miss the point, largely due to a T.V. media incapable of offering a serious discussion on anything. If you've read a lot of my commentaries you know that I have honestly stated that the Affordable Care Act as it exists has major problems and must be fixed by the next President. Hillary Clinton has also said this but you probably missed it because of poor reporting. My position does not come from an elite penning op-eds from my summer home out of a sense of liberal guilt or genu...

Kaine Pence Bleh

The worst Vice-presidential debate in my life time and it's a very low bar because they are meaningless. No one votes for Vice-president they vote only for the top of the ticket. A V.P. pick can hurt but never help. Last night Tim Kaine and Mike Pence had their one and only debate and we are all greatful for that. Kaine should have had decaf leading up to the event and Pence should have consulted his good back about not being a lying douchebag, oh that's right it tells him he can be. The entire ninety minutes was a nonsense driven talking over each other mish mash of gibberish. You can find other interpretations of the debate and I say knock yourself out but you're wasting your time, you shouldn't even be reading this. Mike Pence repeatedly lied through his teeth and refused to defend Donald Trump. Pence accepted the V.P. slot because he knew that he was going to lose his re-election bid for Governor in Indiana and he did not want to deal with the humiliation. His sp...

The Basement

I just watched Hugh Hewitt, a conservative radio talk show host, a lawyer and a very intelligent man make a ridiculous statement. Hewitt used to be, not in the never Trump Movement but in the I can't believe it's Trump group, now he has drank the kool-aid and wants a Trump Presidency. On the issue of Trump's taxes Hewitt says no one will care about the New York Times article just released and he's right about that but then he shifted to say the media isn't fairly covering the campaign by not talking about the recently released audio tape from earlier this year at a donor event at which Hillary Clinton talked about the Bernie Sanders supporters having to move back into their parents house and living in the "basement". Excuse me Hugh, I've heard it over and over again and also Hugh I've heard the whole recording and she is right. By the way Hugh, Bernie Sanders also heard the recording in full and says she was right. Don't be a hack and shill ...

Taxing Trump

Over the weekend The New York Times dropped what should be a bombshell with the publishing of Trump's 1995 tax returns showing over nine-hundred million dollars in losses and setting the stage for not paying federal income tax for up to eighteen years. His unwillingness to release his returns raises eyebrows with those who have a fully functional brain but no so much for others. He has bragged about exploiting the system and paying as little in taxes as he possibly can so I've never understood his reluctance to release his returns. One important thing that I hope we have all learned is that real estate developers apparently have major loopholes provided for them, maybe we should do something about that. His hardcore supporters, the poor to middle class, don't care that he hasn't paid federal income tax, they think it's cool that he's stiffing the "man", of course he's really stiffing them but good luck making the argument. His chief surrogates Rud...

Predictions and Ponderence

The case for voting against Donald Trump is YUGE, but it doesn't matter. The people who are paid to sit around at think tanks and compile data and analyze polls tell us that the backbone of Trump's supporters are poor to middle class uneducated white people. Trump himself has said at his own rallies that he "loves" the uneducated. I'm poor, white and have no formal education to speak of and Donald Trump could not sway me to do anything but run away from him. So why has he sucked in so many people? Because he is an excellent salesman or conman, you can choose your own words, the result is the same. He has been called a P.T. Barnum for over thirty years and it is a perfect description. Barnum famously said, "there's a sucker born every minute." It's been asked why isn't Clinton miles ahead of him? The answer is shamefully evident, given a choice between a night at the circus or a day at the library, most Americans want the circus. But when it...

Money Is Not Free Speech

No matter how many times well funded lobbyists and political organizations say it and no matter how gravely wrong the U.S. Supreme Court got it, money is not free speech. The Citizens United case brought the subject directly to the highest court and the majority, including Antonin Scalia got it wrong. They essentially took a position that says money in and of itself is an expression of free speech, irrespective of how much of it is dumped into an issue or political candidate and no matter how fact free the message is. It says that free speech isn't free, it's for sale to the highest bidder and that those who have no money to combat those messages are equal because you can still stand on the corner, in your legally designated space, and see if you can get someone to listen. Hillary Clinton has said that she would fight for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United but that is highly unlikely to happen and it isn't necessary. Congress can take legislative actio...


Aesop, Grimm, Tolkien, Rowling and countless other writers have portrayed the ageless troll. Cute and diminutive to ugly and giant, no matter the demeanor, always entertaining. Our modern trolls on the other hand, are anything but entertaining. They don't have pink fuzzy hair and sit on the end of a pencil or ten feet tall with stone faces living in caves. They look just like you and me on the outside. On the inside they are filled with a poison that leaves a vitriolic poop trail all through the internet. These trolls live in cyberspace, a world that we spend more and more time in. There are mercenary trolls paid by corporations and governments to sow seeds of misinformation, discredit or frighten those who voice an opinion that is not liked or threatens to reveal something. Then there is the garden variety troll that just likes to walk through your little corner of the cyber world and wipe their ass all over your thoughts. They're not interested in constructive dialogue, they...

Millennials and Mr. Johnson

According to some polling, yes polls again, millennials are being drawn to support Gary Johnson. This is supposed to be because their guy, Bernie Sanders didn't get the Democratic nomination. That makes absolutely no sense. Bernie Sanders and Gary Johnson could not be further apart on the issues. Putting aside Johnson's funny and somewhat goofy personality which is endearing, the only thing he shares with Sanders is a belief that marijuana should be legalized nationally. We're told through that polling that this young millennial generation is the most engaged, compassionate, inclusive and caring Americans to ever come along and they are motivated by serious issues and want to get things done. Logically, Johnson should not be their choice. Johnson doesn't believe in any kind of free college or reducing existing college debt, nor does he believe in Government guaranteed college loans. He doesn't believe in doing anything about climate change except for admitting it e...

Facebook Censorship?

As regular readers know I've previously stated my lukewarm feelings about social media in general. I didn't bother to ever join Facebook because I thought it was a waste of time, for me. Other than connecting with family members, which I guess some people are into, though I can't imagine why. If I want to talk to my family, I don't, I'll call them. You're probably all members of Facebook so you know the basics. You have a homepage, your house in the cyber world. There you are free to post and share whatever you want or are you? On September 25, 2016 I shared a post from The Godless and Irreligious, a Facebook site, which was a meme depicting Christians burning people at the stake like Islamic fundementalists. This meme drew a vile and disrespectful attack on me on my own homepage by one of my Facebook "friends" who had never before communicated anything to me. I responded to his attack with a respectful response he certainly didn't deserve. He ha...

Hero or Traitor?

I suppose Edward Snowden has never really left the news but with the recent release of the Oliver Stone film Snowden the topic is once again abuzz. The question which gets put to the crucible always comes back to is he a traitor or a hero? In my opinion he is neither. I do not believe that he was motivated by the calculus of a traitor, which is to either enrich themselves or deliberately betray their country. He is also not a hero because a hero acts in defense of others without concern for the consequences to themselves. His release of secret information confirmed what many had long been warning about. Before he ever took his action many in Congress were criticizing the Bush Administrations data collection practices. To Bush's credit he said point blank if you don't like it, do something about it, pass laws strictly outlining what can and cannot be done. Congress did not act and the Executive Branch continued it's programs. What has happened since as a result of Snowde...

The Fargo Stink

Wells Fargo C.E.O. and Chairman John Stumpf once again appeared before a House Committee today concerning the ongoing scandal surrouding the company's fraudulent opening of two million additional accounts without the permission of it's customers. The company has terminated 5,300 employees since 2011 for engaging in this behavior which was motivated by the internal mandates that every customer have at least eight accounts. The majority of those fired were low level employees, including whistleblowers. Those low level employees are in the compensation range of $12 to $15 an hour. Anyone that believes these employees created the problem on their own are deluding themselves. The people who had the most to gain from these actions were Branch Managers and above, particularly those above right up to John Stumpf. Watching this hearing reveals a number of things wrong with the culture of banking in general but which will get lost in the news and never change. Stumpf was asked why he r...

Clinton vs. Trump

Last night was the first of the three Presidential debates. You can listen to the analysts of your choice but reality cannot be escaped. If you want a competent, coherent and well prepared person to be President of the United States the choice is crystal clear, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want a spoiled, petulant, incoherent five year old who wants to kick over all the ant hills and employ chaos as a substitute for policy, vote for Donald Trump. Clinton won the debate by every logical measurement of a debate but it doesn't matter in the long run. Trump's performance was horrible but his supporters won't care because they want chaos, they think they're going to get salvation but it is chaos that Trump will unleash if he wins. Trump has been complaining that there was something wrong with his mic, there was nothing wrong with his mic. He says he could have gone after Hillary and her husband's private lives but he didn't because Chelsea Clinton was sitting i...

George H.W. Bush

Kathleen Townsend Kennedy made a comment this past week that President George H.W. Bush was voting for Hillary Clinton. She apparently learned this after speaking directly with Bush. She should not have publicly disclosed it. She has no right to speak for someone else and reveal a confidence. Quite rightly the Bushes said that the former President's vote is private and he would never publicly announce it. Chances are he probably is going to vote for Clinton because he believes she is the best qualified person to lead the nation. I voted for George H.W. Bush because I knew the totality of his life and believed him to be an honorable person who believed in public service above party pettiness. He was arguably one of the most prepared persons to ever seek the office. He proved my belief by doing two significant things. He brought together the largest international coalition since World War II to launch Desert Storm. He had a strategy and a goal that he stuck to, to liberate Kuwait a...

Cruz Endorses

This is what keeps me motivated to offer commentaries on this blog and to never cease to be astonished at the political world. No sooner did I hit publish on my previous post about Ted Cruz thinking of endorsing Trump, he did it and laid out six reasons why you should vote for Trump. Well not vote for Trump so much as vote against Clinton. No surprise there. So there you have it the headline is Cruz Caves and ends his Presidential prospects. On the other hand the American electorate has a very short memory!!

Ettu Ted?

Rumors are flying that Ted Cruz may be about to endorse Donald Trump. The same Cruz that said that he was not in the business of endorsing anyone who attacks his wife and father. The same Cruz that delivered a long speech at the Republican Convention and did not endorse Trump or even say his name. There are two possible reasons for this. One is that Trump is offering Cruz something big for his endorsement or Cruz is afraid he will be punished in 2020 by the Republican Party in light of R.N.C. Chairman Reince Preibus threat to all Republicans who continue to not endorse the Presidential nominee. I seriously doubt that Cruz is afraid of Preibus so it's probably a bag of goodies from Trump. If Cruz caves and endorses, his so called brand is finished. Cruz has said in recent weeks that he is committed to defeating Clinton, his endorsement of Trump will do nothing to help Trump. Most of Cruz supporters are already going to vote for Trump, the few hold outs will not be swayed by Cruz c...

Profiles In Stupidity

I'm about to reveal a state secret,shhh, Donald Trump is an idiot. In the wake of the terrorist incidents over the weekend Trump is, as usual, babbling about things he knows nothing about. He suggests that somehow these attacks are because of our current leadership. He says in one breath we have to support our law enforcement then turns around and basically says they're not doing their job. Here's a quick review, the mad knifer in Minnesota was shot dead by an off duty police officer, no citizens died. The bomber in New Jersey and New York was apprehended in under 48 hours, no citizens died. There is no way to prevent every terrorist attack, even under the leadership of Trump, in fact the exact same scenario would have played out under him. Trump talks about profiling and here is where he displays amazing ignorance and muddies the water. When he says we don't profile because we're afraid of offending someone he is making a false statement. We absolutely profile. P...

What It's About

I read something in what I'll call another forum and I found it somewhat disconcerting. Not the words themselves but the unintended meaning behind them. It was about our current Presidential election and how we just need to accept the results of the election and not hate the other guy's vote. I agree with the hate part, people of goodwill can disagree and remain respectful and friends. When the political system functions correctly that's what happens. But it's not about simply accepting something as though it doesn't matter. By the very meaning of the word every election is about change. Every election matters. There is no such thing as an election that you can just sit out because everything will be just fine. Donald Trump did not inject poison into our political process he has legitimized it from the first day he announced his candidacy. He is a mirror for the worst elements of our human nature. He has brought incivility and the political fringe into the mainstr...

More Piles

It's like hitting your head against a wall. You've read it here before and I'll keep repeating it, I'm not one of these people who sits around bemoaning the good old days and talking about when America was a better place to live, because that's all bullshit. But we have in Donald Trump one of the most disgusting and vile national political candidates to seek the Presidency in modern times. As I write this Trump is holding a rally at which he is once again saying that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your guns, to take away your Second Amendment rights, she doesn't and she can't. This is a standard political fantasy tactic but what sets Trump apart is he says all her bodyguards should be taken away and then quote, "see what happens to her." That comment is unacceptable, vitriolic and an incitement of violence. First of all he's an idiot. Hillary Clinton is protected by the Secret Service and has been since she was First Lady and will continu...

The Media Will Never Learn

Donald Trump fooled the national media yet again. Yesterday Robert Costa of The Washington Post asked Donald Trump directly during an interview aboard Trump's plane, "was President Obama born in the U.S.?" Trump refused to answer. This created a shit storm and by late last night a spokesman for the Trump-Pence Campaign issued a statement that said Obama was born in the U.S. but it didn't come out of Trump's own mouth. This morning the Trump Campaign announced a press conference at his new hotel where there would be a big announcement about the birther issue. The media salivated and got in line. What they got was Trump on stage promoting his new hotel surrounded by retired military officers and other supporters as he gave a commercial for the hotel, then had the military officers bash Clinton one by one and say how much we need Trump. This went on and on. Finally Trump told lies. He said Hillary Clinton started the birther movement and he ended it, the President ...

Unhealthy Election

For me that is. This election is working my last nerve. Additional medical records were released to the press today by Hillary Clinton. She has now provided more records than either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. Aside from sinusitis and allergies she's fine and fit to serve as President. We also know as a result of these disclosures that she is mentally healthy which is more than I can say for myself. What we still don't know is anything about Donald Trump's health records, you might be thinking he divulged something on the Dr. Oz show, he didn't. Nothing was released to the press for review. Also consider the ridiculous concept of appearing on a daytime talk show that exists for the purpose of entertainment to allegedly reveal your medical records as a  candidate for the highest office in the land. Mockery and sham are just two words that come to mind. Originally it was announced that a disclosure would occur but even Oz himself was tamping down expectations with a l...

Mr. Pence and a Word

Trump running mate and current Indiana Governor Mike Pence is having trouble with words, which is nothing new. But his recent stumble with regards to David Duke is easy to have avoided. CNN's Wolf Blitzer tried to get Pence to say Duke is deplorable and he wouldn't. If it was because he knew it was the incorrect word to use it would be refreshing but it's not. The Trump Campaign is using the word deplorable to attack Clinton over her recent comments, so it's a political maneuver, not an understanding of definitions. I just recently posted a commentary concerning the word deplorable and what it actually means. Language is made up of words and words have a meaning. Unfortunately at a certain age most adults seem to just never consult a dictionary again in their lifetimes. Even those with a solid formal education do this. None of us know the exact meaning of every word in the English language, I certainly don't and I love words. My dictionaries are always at my finger...


Former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Don Fowler who served from 1995 to 1997 said in an interview today that the Party needed to form a contingency plan in the event Hillary Clinton cannot complete her presidential run. He said a plan needed to be in place by six o'clock tonight. Fowler said he expected Clinton to make a full recovery but added the Party needed to be prepared. Overreact much Don? The "plan" going forward is simple, Hillary Clinton campaigns, wins the Presidency, serves two terms, lives into her nineties. You can really feel the writer in me. Or not. The contingency seems obvious, not that one is required, Bernie Sanders is the runner up and would wear the crown and assume the duties should Clinton be unable to complete her service. Anyone other than Sanders would be rejected by most Democrats, I just hope he doesn't catch a cold. The overblown reactions to Clinton's pneumonia and dizzy spells are proof of why she wouldn't w...

Not So Sick, Not So Tired

Hillary Clinton coughed, alert the media. Hillary Clinton got dizzy by her car and had to be helped in, alert the media. Hillary Clinton has pneumonia, it's Armageddon, alert the media. Allow Dr. Kane to offer the real diagnosis, Hillary Clinton is suffering from a nasty case of unconscious sexism. Yes, I just said that and the evidence is clear in the media's hysterical coverage of her health. She is a woman and as all ignorant people know, they are the weaker sex and she is 68 years old so it goes without saying she's falling apart. Not like that big virile super healthy 70 year old super man Donald Trump. Enough of the silliness, now the gloves come off. Here's my message to David Axelrod and his Twitter spasm and I'm going to use more than 140 characters. For context here's his Tweet in full, "Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?" My response,...