
That's the percentage of eligible American voters that didn't.

This bizarre phenomenon is unique to the United States. In most other countries of the world where citizens have the right to vote they show up in immense numbers. Still other countries are dictatorships and their citizens long to be free and want to vote. But here in the United States nearly half the voting population stays home and that is not a recent development, it has been the same for many decades.

The most common reason someone gives for not voting is that their vote doesn't count. A reason that is easily proved wrong when you focus on that number, 46%. If all of those voters showed up on election day they could quite literally chart the course of the nation.

I believe the real reason they stay home is because they think the United States will always be a free nation with a McDonald's and a Walgreen's on every corner. That there will never be armed troops patrolling the streets. That there will always be free speech and the right to assemble. I believe they are lazy and ignorant of what is required to maintain that freedom. I believe they think it doesn't matter because the other half of the country that does vote will always do the heavy lifting and fight to guarantee all that freedom.

The election we just had proves the true schism which exists in this country. Clinton and Trump each got 25 point something of the vote of total eligible voters. Clinton is winning the popular vote but that doesn't matter in our system. Donald Trump did not win biggly but he did win fair and square.

To the 46% who continue to stay home, are you happy with the results of the election? Do you care? Will you continue your apathy and leave it to the rest of us?

I think the 46% will continue to stay home unless we start selecting our Presidents on a T.V. show molded in the image of American Idol or The Voice or Survivor, who will get voted off, tune in next week to find out and don't forget to text your vote.

There is an old saying, "the person who stays home on election day because they don't want anything to do with corrupt politics, has more to do with corrupt politics than they think."

46%, remember that number.


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