The Day After

Well, how you doing today. Feeling nauseous? Feeling giddy with joy? Feeling like the Republic is now under the control of a Sith Lord? Feeling like the saviour of the nation has arrived?

I guess it all depends on where you stand.

I said in this little forum from the very beginning that Donald Trump could get the Republican nomination and go on to win the Presidency. I was hopeful that he wouldn't but never delusional that he couldn't.

Forget about the polls which got it wrong and forget about the professional pundits who got it wrong and are still getting it wrong in their analysis.

Trump won in the Electoral College because of rural America turning out in large numbers. As I write this Hillary Clinton still has over 200,000 more votes than Donald Trump and that number will likely grow by the time the count is complete. The irony is that the same people who voted for Donald Trump are the ones who rail against the Electoral College. Let me repeat again that millions of Americans are pissed off and Trump gave their rage a voice, they want to blow things up, well they got their wish.

Unlike Trump who refused to say he would accept the outcome of the election, Hillary Clinton has been gracious and accepted her defeat.

Trump has set a new tone in political discourse so allow me to channel him. If you voted for Trump and are happy today I congratulate you. Now whatever happens is on your head, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. On the other hand you're unlikely to get anything you want, who knows? The answer is no one. We don't know which Donald Trump will show up on January 20, 2017. Will it be good Donald or bad Donald?

The Republican Party now has more power than it has possessed since the 1920's, in theory they will control all three branches of government. I say theory because I have a news flash for Congressional Republicans, if you think you'll be in the driver's seat you're nuts. Donald Trump and his horde of supporters are your boss, you are their bitch. They didn't just send him to Washington to replace a Democratic President, they sent him to kick the shit out of you. Enjoy your holidays because come 2017 that stinging pain you feel will be Donald Trump dry fucking you.


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