The Media Will Never Learn

Donald Trump fooled the national media yet again.

Yesterday Robert Costa of The Washington Post asked Donald Trump directly during an interview aboard Trump's plane, "was President Obama born in the U.S.?" Trump refused to answer. This created a shit storm and by late last night a spokesman for the Trump-Pence Campaign issued a statement that said Obama was born in the U.S. but it didn't come out of Trump's own mouth.

This morning the Trump Campaign announced a press conference at his new hotel where there would be a big announcement about the birther issue. The media salivated and got in line. What they got was Trump on stage promoting his new hotel surrounded by retired military officers and other supporters as he gave a commercial for the hotel, then had the military officers bash Clinton one by one and say how much we need Trump. This went on and on. Finally Trump told lies. He said Hillary Clinton started the birther movement and he ended it, the President was born in the United States. Neither Clinton or her Campaign in 2008 started the birther movement. Trump ended nothing because his investigators found nothing. He has continued to question Barack Obama's legitimacy to be President through the birther nonsense, he continues to challenge his college education and says he's a terrorist sympathizing Muslim.

Trump took no questions at this press conference, after delivering his littany of lies he exited the stage.

What a shock, Trump tricked the media again!


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