Make A Run For the Border

El Trumpadore the Magnificent journied forth to the land of Mexico, spawning place of all those "rapists and murderers" Trump says are ravaging the United States. He went there to meet with the Mexican President, who strangely invited him and Hillary Clinton.

Trump and Pena Nieto met behind closed doors, then closed with a Presidential photo op, both standing at podiums and making brief statements. The supposed understanding is there would be no press questions, Trump then took questions while Pena Nieto looked like he wanted to yell, what the fuck.

Trump said they didn't discuss who would pay for the wall, but Pena Nieto and his Foreign Minister both say that's not true, Pena Nieto firmly told Trump Mexico will never pay for it. Gee, I just don't know who to believe.

Last night Trump gave his long awaited immigration policy speech. He said he loved Pena Nieto and the people of Mexico, then said they will be paying for the wall, they just don't know it. He then gave a one hour and twelve minute speech of nothing but him yelling about incompetent government. His so called policy statement contained no policy other than to enforce our existing laws which is already being done. It was packed with the usual Trump lies and distortions, even suggesting maybe he would deport Hillary Clinton. He says it loud and flamboyantly and makes it sound as though he has magical answers, he has none. His doublespeak is transparent for those willing to see.

Barack Obama has deported more than three million illegals, more than any other President in history.

Trump wants to add more people to the Border Patrol and I.C.E., those numbers have grown substantially since 9/11. He doesn't say how he'll pay for it. The only new old thing from Trump is he wants a religious litmus test for people entering our country and naturally everyone will tell the truth.

Trump made an issue of Clinton not going to Mexico. Hey, Donald, she's been there before. She has met many Presidents and Prime Ministers. She's busy right now running for President. If she decides to go, great, but who cares?

Trump also made an issue of sanctuary cities and cutting off their funding. As usual his attention span and memory are weak. As a life long New Yorker he should know that his number one pit bull attack dog, Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York, ran it as a sanctuary city. What a bunch of hypocrites.

This election is still fluid, as much as it sickens me to say. The flim flam man Trump could still pull it off, do not lull yourself into a false sense of security,  El Trumpadore could became both the leader and menace of the free world.

Our long national nightmare may be far from over.


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