More Piles

It's like hitting your head against a wall. You've read it here before and I'll keep repeating it, I'm not one of these people who sits around bemoaning the good old days and talking about when America was a better place to live, because that's all bullshit. But we have in Donald Trump one of the most disgusting and vile national political candidates to seek the Presidency in modern times.

As I write this Trump is holding a rally at which he is once again saying that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your guns, to take away your Second Amendment rights, she doesn't and she can't. This is a standard political fantasy tactic but what sets Trump apart is he says all her bodyguards should be taken away and then quote, "see what happens to her." That comment is unacceptable, vitriolic and an incitement of violence.

First of all he's an idiot. Hillary Clinton is protected by the Secret Service and has been since she was First Lady and will continue to be so even if she loses the election. Donald Trump is also currently being protected by the Secret Service and if he loses the election he will return to using his own private security force. He doesn't care about we the people's right to defend ourselves because he the spoiled rich brat will always be protected.

If Donald Trump is elected President of the United States, it will be a stain of insanity that we will be trying to clean for decades to come.


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