Millennials and Mr. Johnson

According to some polling, yes polls again, millennials are being drawn to support Gary Johnson. This is supposed to be because their guy, Bernie Sanders didn't get the Democratic nomination. That makes absolutely no sense. Bernie Sanders and Gary Johnson could not be further apart on the issues.

Putting aside Johnson's funny and somewhat goofy personality which is endearing, the only thing he shares with Sanders is a belief that marijuana should be legalized nationally. We're told through that polling that this young millennial generation is the most engaged, compassionate, inclusive and caring Americans to ever come along and they are motivated by serious issues and want to get things done. Logically, Johnson should not be their choice. Johnson doesn't believe in any kind of free college or reducing existing college debt, nor does he believe in Government guaranteed college loans. He doesn't believe in doing anything about climate change except for admitting it exists, he has said the sun is going to burn out eventually anyway. He wants to cut taxes on the wealthy and dramatically slash all government spending, including social programs that are vital for most Americans survival. He believes in private prisons and in general the free market will take care of everything.

Johnson believes those things for a good reason, he is a Libertarian. When we talk about Libertarians there is a bad habit of simply framing it as a belief in personal freedom, which we all can embrace, but that is just a small sliver of the philosophy. Libertarians don't believe government should do much of anything. As a party they would never have passed Social Security and Medicare. Part of the reason they have never become a true rival party is they're failure to adapt to modern world changes and the evolving needs of the American people. They are stuck in 1789 and refuse to move forward.

If these millennial voters were in fact going to vote for Bernie Sanders, they're vote should go to Hillary Clinton, not Gary Johnson. None of their goals would be achieved under Johnson or Donald Trump. They have a greater chance of achieving their goals under a Clinton Administration.

But then I'm being logical and there seems to be a serious absence of that right now.


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