Ettu Ted?

Rumors are flying that Ted Cruz may be about to endorse Donald Trump. The same Cruz that said that he was not in the business of endorsing anyone who attacks his wife and father. The same Cruz that delivered a long speech at the Republican Convention and did not endorse Trump or even say his name.

There are two possible reasons for this. One is that Trump is offering Cruz something big for his endorsement or Cruz is afraid he will be punished in 2020 by the Republican Party in light of R.N.C. Chairman Reince Preibus threat to all Republicans who continue to not endorse the Presidential nominee. I seriously doubt that Cruz is afraid of Preibus so it's probably a bag of goodies from Trump. If Cruz caves and endorses, his so called brand is finished.

Cruz has said in recent weeks that he is committed to defeating Clinton, his endorsement of Trump will do nothing to help Trump. Most of Cruz supporters are already going to vote for Trump, the few hold outs will not be swayed by Cruz coming out for Trump, they will however turn against Cruz and not be there for him in the future.

Far be it from me to offer Ted Cruz advice but I can't resist. Don't be a fool Ted, Trump is the same person you were vilifying not so long ago, the same man that suggested your father may have been involved in the assassination of J.F.K., if Trump wins the Presidency and turns out to be a dud he will be ripe to be challenged in 2020 and you are currently positioned to be his greatest threat so long as you keep your distance.

But what the heck, go ahead and endorse him, your future political success is certainly not something I'm rooting for.


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