Hero or Traitor?

I suppose Edward Snowden has never really left the news but with the recent release of the Oliver Stone film Snowden the topic is once again abuzz.

The question which gets put to the crucible always comes back to is he a traitor or a hero? In my opinion he is neither.

I do not believe that he was motivated by the calculus of a traitor, which is to either enrich themselves or deliberately betray their country. He is also not a hero because a hero acts in defense of others without concern for the consequences to themselves.

His release of secret information confirmed what many had long been warning about. Before he ever took his action many in Congress were criticizing the Bush Administrations data collection practices. To Bush's credit he said point blank if you don't like it, do something about it, pass laws strictly outlining what can and cannot be done. Congress did not act and the Executive Branch continued it's programs.

What has happened since as a result of Snowden's actions may be positive but it doesn't help him personally because he fled the country. He bounced from nation to nation seeking diplomatic refuge. That was a mistake because it cast doubt on his motivations. He finally landed in Russia where Vladimir Putin was more than willing to grant him a safe haven to humiliate the United States. Hiding in Russia only further eroded Snowden's sympathy level in Government circles and no one with a functioning brain can help but ask what is Putin gaining long-term from Snowden? Putin is not a humanitarian and if the roles were reversed Putin would be demanding the extradition of such a person and would absolutely execute that person.

No U.S. President, Democratic or Republican, will ever pardon Snowden so he can come home without facing the consequences of his actions. However, if he returned to face his day in court he might have to serve some time in prison but then have his sentence commuted or if facing a jury be acquitted though I doubt his fellow Americans on that jury would actually let him off the hook.

Edward Snowden, hero or traitor? Unless he voluntarily comes home the question is irrelevant.


  1. I bet Putin treats him with the full respect he believes he is due.


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