
Former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Don Fowler who served from 1995 to 1997 said in an interview today that the Party needed to form a contingency plan in the event Hillary Clinton cannot complete her presidential run. He said a plan needed to be in place by six o'clock tonight. Fowler said he expected Clinton to make a full recovery but added the Party needed to be prepared.

Overreact much Don?

The "plan" going forward is simple, Hillary Clinton campaigns, wins the Presidency, serves two terms, lives into her nineties. You can really feel the writer in me.

Or not. The contingency seems obvious, not that one is required, Bernie Sanders is the runner up and would wear the crown and assume the duties should Clinton be unable to complete her service. Anyone other than Sanders would be rejected by most Democrats, I just hope he doesn't catch a cold.

The overblown reactions to Clinton's pneumonia and dizzy spells are proof of why she wouldn't want to tell the press about it. It's not about transparency, as the media is droning on about, it's about overreach and hyping for viewership.

We know more about the Clintons than any other political figures on the scene today or of the past forty years. In fact we know too much and because of that the media and some citizens want even more.

"Contingency", the new political thriller by W.R. Kane, I like the sound of that. The President stood in the sunlight looking out of the Oval Office window, his shadow looming over the Director, "what's the bottom line?" The Director replied, "it's like no form of pneumonia we've ever seen, definitely lab created and introduced to the target over a long period of time." The President turned to face the Director, "Your recommendation?" The Director stared down at the floor then quickly looked up, "Mr. President, I believe we have to consider the Contingency Plan..."

"Contingency", the powerful story of the fight to save democracy and the shadowy figures who seek to undermine it. "Contingency", the epic novel so realistic you'll believe it. Coming early November, 2016. Reserve your copy at Amazon today.


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