
Hillary Clinton has stirred some controversy among those who are easily stirred and don't own a dictionary.

In a recent speech she said she would put half of Donald Trump's supporters in the "basket of deplorables". She has apologized for using the word because politicians are required to be extra sensitive, well most politicians, this standard does not apply to Donald Trump. But I'm not a politician and I will go much further than Clinton and say that 100% of Trump's supporters are deplorable. Do not rely on the media to tell you how bad the use of the word is. Do not rely on what you think the meaning is.

Deplorable is lamentable, wretched and sad. Wretched is sunk in dejection and profoundly unhappy. There are no better words to describe the average Trump supporter. They believe that government is the enemy and run by idiots. They take no responsibility for their role in who runs the government. They believe in the saviour doctrine and have annointed Trump their messiah, believing that as a businessman he can run a better government and deliver a new utopia. They take no notice of his multiple business failures and his track record of engaging in fraud. His strongman bully dictator rhetoric inspires them but they don't believe it. They imprint upon him what they wish to see. It doesn't matter to them that he has no plans beyond doublespeak. They believe him when he says "I'm gonna fix it, believe me." Not only is he gonna fix everything but he's gonna do it so quick you won't believe it, including smashing ISIS with a magical plan that we now know is going to be giving the Generals thirty days to deliver a plan. They believe him when he says we're all going to be so happy in Trump world we won't believe it. He is campaigning for the Presidency as though he were building a theme park and his supporters are gobbling it up.

When his hollow promises crumble, his faithful will say, well it's going to take time to undo all the damage and his own party is against him. They will not abandon their orange tanned God because then they would live up to the description as deplorable.

You cannot reason with a Trump supporter because their support is fundamentalist in it's nature. He has played his flute of deceit and lured in not just the disaffected but large numbers of middle class citizens who are doing reasonably well but who deep down believe that they are somehow being washed away by people different from themselves. They aren't, but the belief that they are, propped up and encouraged by fringe media icons and now a leading Presidential candidate means that this country is in for a rollercoaster ride until election day and after that day? That is the most important question we are facing.

The facts about Donald Trump don't seem to matter but the lies about Hillary Clinton are all consuming.


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