Not So Sick, Not So Tired

Hillary Clinton coughed, alert the media. Hillary Clinton got dizzy by her car and had to be helped in, alert the media. Hillary Clinton has pneumonia, it's Armageddon, alert the media. Allow Dr. Kane to offer the real diagnosis, Hillary Clinton is suffering from a nasty case of unconscious sexism. Yes, I just said that and the evidence is clear in the media's hysterical coverage of her health. She is a woman and as all ignorant people know, they are the weaker sex and she is 68 years old so it goes without saying she's falling apart. Not like that big virile super healthy 70 year old super man Donald Trump.

Enough of the silliness, now the gloves come off.

Here's my message to David Axelrod and his Twitter spasm and I'm going to use more than 140 characters. For context here's his Tweet in full, "Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?" My response, let it go Mr. Axelrod. This is not the first negative tweet or comment made by David Axelrod about Hillary Clinton during this election cycle. He is still not over the 2008 campaign, even though his candidate won. He does not like the Clintons and I guarantee you he was not a supporter of Obama choosing her as Secretary of State. This antibiotic Tweet is a cheap shot and a petty one coming from a hard as nails political operative who was a master of spin and obfuscation on behalf of his guy, Barack Obama. He pretends that he does these things as constructive criticism which would have merit if not for his well documented negative feelings about Clinton. One wonders who he's rooting for to become President. Tweet about that Axelrod!

Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, we weren't told about it until Sunday evening. Let the sky fall, let the earth shake, let all those mythical angels descend from the clouds with swords drawn, it is the end of days, Hillary Clinton has pneumonia. No word yet has been released on if she has had a well formed bowel movement but the media has begun an exhaustive examination to find out and there might be a Congressional inquiry. I'm sure Trey Gowdy will get to the bottom of Bowelgate and will depose everyone who's ever said something nice about Clinton and will issue their findings just before the general election of 2020.

Have you ever been so ill you felt dizzy and your knees went wobbly? If you said no you are either a ten year old or a liar. To be human is to suffer illness, sometimes minor, sometimes serious, ultimately life ending. That's every single one of us, no one is getting out of this existence alive or unscathed. F.D.R. dealt with the Great Depression and World War II from a wheelchair combating polio and we're supposed to get our panties in a twist over coughing spells and pneumonia? Have you ever had the experience of talking all day and delivering speeches where you have to vary inflection? Your throat hurts at the end of the day, you have a  hoarse voice. Donald Trump has had a couple of periods in his long campaign where he has had a strained voice, it goes with the territory and Donald's a longtime loudmouth.

My favorite Hillary is dramatically ill attack, advanced by Trump and Rudy Giuliani (who has dementia, it's true, it's on the internet, just Google it) is about how she's propped up by pillows when she sits down, because you know if the pillows weren't there she would just collapse and fall out of the chair. So now we know the truth, Hillary is a jellyfish! This pillow scandal is an outrage. Most chairs have an accent pillow, it's called decorating, that's a real thing, turn on HGTV. I personally have five full size pillows on my bed and must have them to sleep, not because they prop me up and keep me from falling out of bed but because it's comfy and makes me happy. I often put a pillow in my chair cause it's just so lovely.

The media is in a frenzy over Team Hillary not informing us immediately of her pneumonia. There's no there there. They are beating this into the ground because they are impotent in their reporting and attempts to nail Trump. He plays them like a fiddle and they are putty in his tiny hands. Hillary Clinton has released enough medical records and as the most famous woman in the world there's no way a deep dark secret could be kept about her health. But she'll probably release more. Trump on the other hand has given nothing but the gibberish of a krank.

Hillary Clinton has more energy and stamina than most twenty year olds. I defy anyone to try and keep up with her. She drives herself too hard and unlike Trump she has not flown home every single night to eat meatloaf sandwiches and sleep in her own bed.

NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell asked the Clinton Campaign if they would make Clinton's doctor available for interviews. Really Andrea? What a load of crap. No person, politician or not, should have their doctors give interviews. I wouldn't allow it, the press will have to make do with documents. The media wants Hillary Clinton to have a colonoscopy on live T.V. Be careful Mr. and Mrs. Journalist, you're advancing a ridiculous narrative based on a desire to hype your programming and vent your frustration over your laziness and inability to do your job as it relates to Donald Trump.

She's accused of a lack of transparency because she doesn't disclose every time she farts. Trump has not disclosed anything including the fact that one of his biggest creditors is the Communist state owned Bank of China.

Any Muppet of your choice would be a better President than Donald Trump.


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