Clinton vs. Trump

Last night was the first of the three Presidential debates. You can listen to the analysts of your choice but reality cannot be escaped. If you want a competent, coherent and well prepared person to be President of the United States the choice is crystal clear, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want a spoiled, petulant, incoherent five year old who wants to kick over all the ant hills and employ chaos as a substitute for policy, vote for Donald Trump.

Clinton won the debate by every logical measurement of a debate but it doesn't matter in the long run. Trump's performance was horrible but his supporters won't care because they want chaos, they think they're going to get salvation but it is chaos that Trump will unleash if he wins.

Trump has been complaining that there was something wrong with his mic, there was nothing wrong with his mic. He says he could have gone after Hillary and her husband's private lives but he didn't because Chelsea Clinton was sitting in the audience and we're supposed to applaud him for not going in the sewer. These comments about personal lives coming from a thrice married man who publicly dated his second wife while still married to his first wife, who accused him in a book of raping her. Not to mention the allegations of child rape. So Mr. Trump lives in a glass house.

One of my favorite parts of the debate was race relations and Trump's instant response of we need law and order and a national stop and frisk policy. When rich old white men use law and order surrounding race relations they mean protect white people in gated communities. Stop and frisk was found unconstitutional by a Federal Judge, no matter what Trump thinks. Trump keeps talking about the murder rate in Chicago during the Obama years, but Barack Obama is President not Mayor. Trump is allegedly a conservative Republican and they are all about the tenth amendment, more power to the State and the locals so what does President Obama have to do with murders in Chicago.

Trump said we are a third world country. A few weeks ago he went on Russian State Television and denegrated our military and this is the man that millions of Americans have fallen in love with.


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