Unhealthy Election

For me that is. This election is working my last nerve.

Additional medical records were released to the press today by Hillary Clinton. She has now provided more records than either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. Aside from sinusitis and allergies she's fine and fit to serve as President. We also know as a result of these disclosures that she is mentally healthy which is more than I can say for myself.

What we still don't know is anything about Donald Trump's health records, you might be thinking he divulged something on the Dr. Oz show, he didn't. Nothing was released to the press for review. Also consider the ridiculous concept of appearing on a daytime talk show that exists for the purpose of entertainment to allegedly reveal your medical records as a  candidate for the highest office in the land. Mockery and sham are just two words that come to mind.

Originally it was announced that a disclosure would occur but even Oz himself was tamping down expectations with a lot of word stumbling about the so called interview. Obviously Oz wants the ratings boost so that's why he did it but he has done no favors for the American people and what was produced was the equivalent of Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone's vault. The show was taped today but we've already seen enough of it to skip viewing it tomorrow.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump's  Campaign Manager, said early this morning there would be no disclosures and furthermore that shouldn't be done on a T.V. show. Even though that's what was originally stated was the purpose, then the campaign walked it back, then Trump produced from his pocket the results of an alleged physical performed last week by the same crank that wrote his first ridiculous medical statement.

Dr. Oz reviewed it and blah blah blah. Oz is not Trump's doctor and knows nothing which would enable him to offer anything of value. Once again Trump has played the media entertainment game which he loves so much and many seem to enjoy watching.

We supposedly know he takes a baby aspirin for heart precautions but a baby aspirin isn't going to help me, I need some heavy duty headache medicine if I'm to get through the next seven weeks.

Perhaps we should just have a wrestling match to pick our Presidents from now on. It will be pay per view and the proceeds used to fund genetic research to figure out what went wrong in the gene pool.


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