Facebook Censorship?

As regular readers know I've previously stated my lukewarm feelings about social media in general. I didn't bother to ever join Facebook because I thought it was a waste of time, for me. Other than connecting with family members, which I guess some people are into, though I can't imagine why. If I want to talk to my family, I don't, I'll call them.

You're probably all members of Facebook so you know the basics. You have a homepage, your house in the cyber world. There you are free to post and share whatever you want or are you?

On September 25, 2016 I shared a post from The Godless and Irreligious, a Facebook site, which was a meme depicting Christians burning people at the stake like Islamic fundementalists. This meme drew a vile and disrespectful attack on me on my own homepage by one of my Facebook "friends" who had never before communicated anything to me. I responded to his attack with a respectful response he certainly didn't deserve. He had unfriended me before I even posted that response so I also added an additional comment about his own fundementalist intolerance. His problem was he didn't like a truthful statement about acts of barbarity which have been perpetrated by Christians in the name of God.

On September 27, 2016 I wrote an open letter to all of my Facebook "Friends" and the Facebook Community at large concerning this person and how he had demonstrated how not to behave on someone's homepage and referred the reader to scroll down to the post in question and read his comments.

As of September 29, 2016 that meme I shared as a post to the timeline on my homepage has been removed and I am not the one that removed it. The only technical force which could remove it is Facebook itself. The most logical theory is that the person who attacked me complained to Facebook that he wanted his comments removed, which he could not do on his own because he had "unfriended" me and therefore couldn't edit on my page. This person uses Facebook to promote a product he makes and sells.

A lot of people might not catch a missing post but I'm not most people and something stinks and it smells like covert censorship.


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