Time To Act?

I was not going to write another commentary until after Sunday nights debate but resistance is futile. In light of the Access Hollywood dump of Trump's vulgarness about women many Republicans have unendorsed him. Speaker Ryan disinvited him from an event in Wisconsin and Ryan was booed by Trump supporters at that event. In leadership only Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell demanded that Trump issue a real apology. You will recall that early Friday Trump issued a written statement using the words "if anyone was offended" I apologize. Which of course was not an apology, it's a phrase used when you wish to convey contempt for your audience. Trump's ninety second video released at Midnight Friday was no better but it was Trumpian.

Senator Mike Lee said this morning that it was "time to act". No Senator, the time to act was a year ago. All of the speculation about Trump dropping out of the race is total fantasy. The Party cannot force him out, he would have to voluntarily go and there's no way logistically any candidate could replace him with a viable campaign. But it's moot, he's not going to drop out, nor should he. If the Republican Party really wants to finish off it's already decaying body just watch the wrath of Trump supporters if they believe their chosen candidate was forced out by what they view as the elites of a broken system and replaced by someone they didn't vote for.

Was anyone really surprised by what he said on those tapes? Or is it that elected officials in the Republican Party need to feign disgust, repulsion and ultimately regret that it came out. We know Trump is a womanizer and a grand master of vulgarity. The majority of evangelical Christians are standing by him, which says more about them than Trump.
Mike Pence has been suggested as the guy to replace Trump, no way. Some say Pence may leave the ticket, I wouldn't bet on it, it's unlikely that he has the courage of his alleged convictions. Trump would be better off if Pence did leave but he probably won't.

The Republican Party still doesn't get it, Trump's supporters will not abandoned him because they are pissed off. He will weather this storm and every other one that occurs between now and election day. I don't care how many other potty mouth tapes there are and yet to be released. Trump will get his forty percent of the vote, bet on it.

I could be wrong but I doubt it. There is no way in hell Donald Trump would come this far and simply hang it up because people have heard an audio tape confirming what the rest of us who actually pay attention already knew.


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