Kaine Pence Bleh
The worst Vice-presidential debate in my life time and it's a very low bar because they are meaningless. No one votes for Vice-president they vote only for the top of the ticket. A V.P. pick can hurt but never help.
Last night Tim Kaine and Mike Pence had their one and only debate and we are all greatful for that. Kaine should have had decaf leading up to the event and Pence should have consulted his good back about not being a lying douchebag, oh that's right it tells him he can be.
The entire ninety minutes was a nonsense driven talking over each other mish mash of gibberish. You can find other interpretations of the debate and I say knock yourself out but you're wasting your time, you shouldn't even be reading this.
Mike Pence repeatedly lied through his teeth and refused to defend Donald Trump. Pence accepted the V.P. slot because he knew that he was going to lose his re-election bid for Governor in Indiana and he did not want to deal with the humiliation. His spin team has already written his lines for future interviews when he gets asked why he and Trump lost. Pence will say he had no input in the campaign and it was really disappointing. He wants to run for President, always has, and will seek the Republican nomination in 2020. Mike Pence is a fanatical fundementalist Christian who wants to establish his own version of a Caliphate and he used Indiana as a lab experiment which is why he got in big trouble. Every leading business, Democrats, Republicans in Indiana and leading national businesses brought the wrath of their outrage against him over the signing of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which was nothing but the legalization of discrimination against the LGBT community. Kaine missed a big opportunity in not going after Pence on this.
Because you see Mike Pence has had a singularly unhealthy obsession with the LGBT Community throughout his entire political career. In Congress he supported and proposed many crazy ass things among them was literally trying to legislate that AIDS drugs should not be paid for unless gay people agreed to go through conversion therapy to stop being gay.
Pence and homosexuality, one wonders about his obsession.
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