Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Trump

Donald Trump and Mike Pence appeared on 60 Minutes this past Sunday night. It was probably to show what a dynamic duo they form but it showed anything but that.

Pence barely got to speak and looked like a man who would rather be having a colonoscopy. He was clearly uncomfortable and afraid to say anything that might irritate his new boss. He has clearly been counseled to watch out for the alpha dog's urine stream.

Donald Trump is consistently a hypocrite and his selection of Mike Pence as his running mate is the pinnacle of proof. Trump regularly attacks Hillary Clinton for her vote to invade Iraq. Mike Pence was in Congress at the same time and also voted yes. Trump regularly and viciously attacks Hillary Clinton for advising President Obama to go into Libya to support the overthrow of Muhamar Khadaffi. Mike Pence was in Congress at the time and agreed with Hillary Clinton and fully supported going into Libya.

In spite of Trump's continuing assertion that he was against going into Iraq from the beginning it's not true. The tape with his voice saying he'd go in has been played over and over. That's the consequences of going on Howard Stern's show so much. Trump doesn't get the reality that fact is better than fiction, he could have been saying he came to the conclusion early on that the war was a mistake and then say why. He just says he was right from the beginning and one of the few and he warned what would happen, blah, blah, blah.

Mike Pence would have said no to Donald Trump if he believed he was going to win re-election as Governor of Indiana but faced with this coming defeat he decided to jump off the cliff with Trump and see what happens. His calculation is that he'll gain national exposure and be poised for a 2020 run for President against President Hillary Clinton, in the event Trump loses. Pence will distance himself after that saying that he was locked out of crucial campaign strategies. On the other hand if Trump wins he has the springboard of the Vice-presidency for his true ambitions.


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