Clinton Picks Kaine

I know you're disappointed, it's not the Kane you wanted, but he's a damn fine second choice!

Hillary Clinton has done something Donald Trump did not. She chose the running mate she wanted, the running mate she wants as a governing partner and someone she can trust.

There may be some Bernie Sanders supporters that don't like the pick but they need to remember two things, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Nomination and she has every right to pick the running mate of her choice and do they want a Trump Presidency?

Clinton has been very accommodating to the Sanders Team during the platform creation. She has reached out to Bernie and his supporters. Now it's their turn to demonstrate that they really want to move forward or replace rationalism with fatalism in a Trump Presidency.

Tim Kaine is an outstanding choice for Vice-president. Constitutionally speaking he has one job and he's more than qualified and capable of delivering on it if called upon. With him Clinton gets a highly intelligent and energized campaigner who speaks fluent spanish. He has a solid history of fighting for civil rights and defending those who cannot defend themselves. He brings both executive and legislative experience and a reputation for reaching out to build consensus.

Look at the contrast between the two tickets. Clinton spent twenty-minutes talking about Tim Kaine before introducing him. Trump spent a half hour talking about himself and then basically said oh yeah here's Mike Pence. Pence frequently looks like he wants to chew his own arm off when he's with Trump and Trump treats Pence like a piece of furniture. Clinton and Kaine look comfortable and at ease with each other, they compliment one another.

A good choice, so say I.


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