Burning Clinton Group

It's not the latest novelty act to open in Las Vegas, it's the same old Republican game of whack a Clinton.

After F.B.I. Director James Comey's email report to the public Republicans are losing their mind, which they can hardly spare, about how the Clintons get away with everything and are held to a different standard, never being held accountable. James Comey will appear before the House Oversight Committee on Thursday where Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who just recently praised the greatness of Comey, will in all likelihood rip Comey apart. Joined of course by his fellow rightwing attack dogs. Attorney General Loretta Lynch will soon take the hot seat.

At what point have Bill and Hillary Clinton ever not been held accountable, raked over the coals and exhaustively investigated at great expense to the taxpayer only for those targeting them to come up with nothing? Even Ken Starr, the Independent Counsel, who spent years during Bill Clinton's Presidency investigating him for things he was never charged to investigate Bill Clinton for, has said he went too far. So angry were the Republicans at the time that they could not beat Clinton politically, they kept looking for some piece of dirt to crucify him with. Bill Clinton gave them their ammunition with his sex life and they then cherry picked a line from a deposition that demonstrated a lie. So the House impeached him. Some people get confused about the word impeachment. It means he was indicted by the House of Representatives for what they judged a crime and was then turned over to the Senate for trial. A trial he won. The reality is smarter heads should have prevailed and impeachment shouldn't have occurred. So I ask, was that series of events letting the Clintons off the hook and holding them to a different standard, namely being above the law? After leaving office Bill Clinton lost his law license because of the impeachment. Was that not holding him accountable?

Hillary Clinton has been the target of vicious smear campaigns for over twenty-five years. You only have to look in your mailbox to see it's still going on. It's no wonder she wants to protect her privacy and guard against those who attack her strictly for political reasons.

If I believed Hillary Clinton broke the law or intentionally mishandled classified material I would say so and condemn her actions, but she didn't. Anyone who wishes to apply even a modicum of logic needs to ask themselves these questions. Why did this become an issue only after Clinton announced she was running for President? Why was no action taken while she was Secretary of State? Face it for lack of a better description, Washington, D.C. is a company town and that company is the Federal Government. It is a small insular environment where people talk and gossip about everything. Lots of people knew how Hillary Clinton was dealing with her emails, including Democratic and Republican leaders. It didn't matter because, it didn't matter. Even though everyone seems to want to dismiss this, it is a fact that Colin Powell had a private server that was maintained at Republican National Headquarters. Powell also refused to hand over any of his emails he deemed personal. Which is worse, a private server housed at the home of a former President surrounded by the Secret Service or at a political party office?

There is no evidence her server was hacked, none. Our government secured servers have been hacked by our enemies numerous times. Let's get real.

The Republican Party has the worst candidate at the top of it's ticket in it's entire history so they must find a way to try and destroy Hillary Clinton among independents and Republicans with a functioning brain. They will constantly say she broke the law and got away with it and will continue  to suggest she is responsible for Benghazi, not the terrorist thugs, but Hillary Clinton herself.

When Republicans get the results of investigations and don't like their conclusions they simply dismiss them and create their own narrative about corruption and the fix being in. This even when the investigations are conducted by people they have formally praised as honorable and above reproach such as James Comey and those who conducted eight separate independent investigations of Benghazi, including Republican Chaired Congressional Committees. Those eight independent investigations found no wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton. That wasn't good enough so Congressman Trey Gowdy and his posse launched another Congressional investigation which became the longest running committee investigation in the history of the United States and it turned up nothing. The Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission didn't take as long. When they heard testimony that didn't fit there narrative, they just got rid of it.

We are in the weeds with the classifying of government documents and that's exactly where certain political forces want us, so they can play games of distraction and manipulation.

Investigating and trashing the Clintons is a favorite past time of some Republicans which is fine, politics is a bloodsport. But do not buy the bull about the Clintons being above the law and not held accountable.


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