The Choice We Have

In every election there is only the choice we have, not the choice we want.

This year we pick a new President. I don't know who will win but I do know that barring some major unforeseen occurrence, the winner will be either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. You don't have to vote for either of them. You can vote for somebody else, if they met the threshold to be on your State's ballot. You can ask for a paper ballot and write in your choice.

Regular readers of this little blob of musing know my opinion of polls but if we are to believe them the two leading candidates have the highest personal negatives of anyone who has previously ran. And yet they are the nominees of their respective Parties. How does one, as they say, jive this? I certainly cannot. They won by substantial numbers therefore logic dictates their parties want them. The same logic would apply even if they barely won.

I am an independent, I left party politics behind long ago. This country has always needed a strong third party but never has and is unlikely in my lifetime, though it is certainly possible that the Republican Party is headed for a potential split. The reality is that no matter how much Americans say they want more choice, the evidence is to the contrary. When presented with said choice it is rejected, like an old comfortable blanket the voter wraps themselves in the elephant or the donkey.

Many call themselves conservative but in truth they are nationalists. The number of true conservatives is small, as is the number of true liberals. Both of these philsophies have been coopted by political forces who rewrite their definitions daily to suit the moment.

Is Hillary Clinton power hungry and a proponent of situational ethics for herself? Probably. Is Donald Trump an opportunistic demagogue? Absolutely.

If you don't like your choices for President this year don't just skip voting. Remember there are other offices to focus on from local to national. Let me remind you that those boring little local offices that get very little attention are extremely important. Your State Legislature and City Councils have an immediate and powerful impact on your life. Pay attention and do your homework. If you must, leave the President slot unchecked but make sure you cast your vote for everyone else.

I will choose someone for President and cast my vote. I will not abandon my rights, compromise my intellect or be seduced by nonsense.


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