Trump and the Veeps

Donald Trump is looking for a Vice-president. Given the overall stink which surrounds him you might think it would be tough to find someone, but it won't be. The lure of being President in waiting since Trump's helter skelter brain could potentially lead to his removal from office, is just too great.

Lots of auditions are taking place, just like a reality show. I'm hoping for Gary Busey. Over the weekend the three names being heavily discussed, which means Trump himself leaked it to the press, is Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich and Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

Let's start with Governor Christie. He's hated in his home state of New Jersey, he can't run again and wouldn't win anyway. He's effectively finished in elective politics so he would absolutely jump at the opportunity, he has nothing to lose. He also doesn't really bring  things to the ticket that Trump needs. Christie is smart but would be wasted as V.P. Like trump he's a loudmouth bully and would be more effective as Chief of Staff. He would irritate too many members of Congress and Trump's V.P. if he's smart will be a full time liaison to that august legislative body.

Newt Gingrich is a former Speaker of the House. Intelligent, bold and prone to being a bull carrying his own china shop. Unlike others being considered Gingrich actually does have a legacy to consider. He was for good or bad one of the most powerful people in the country. He would give Trump legislative gravitas but could he really allow himself to be subservient to a know nothing like Trump?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence, my Governor, well the Governor of my state, I don't particularly claim him. He has legislative experience that would be useful and he has a lot of evangelical support. Pence is up for reelection this November in a rematch with former Indiana Speaker of the House John Gregg. Gregg is a Democrat but in Indiana there's often little difference between the two parties. Pence could be defeated because of his blundering over the Religious Restoration Freedom Act which was nothing more than an attempt to legalize discrimination against the LGBT community. Which brings us to a Trump conundrum, he says he's all about the gays, he's their best friend. Pence on his ticket would quickly mobilize the LGBT community against Trump. Pence would absolutely say yes because he has nothing to lose, but Trump does. On the other hand Trump changes his mind a dozen times a day on the same topic, so if he picks Pence maybe it'll be at a moment when he's just not that in to the gays.

Who knows who he'll pick. Trump himself won't know until he reads his own tweet!


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