Well That's Over

Not so fast. The U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee chaired by Jason Chaffetz, grilled F.B.I. Director James Comey today.

Comey is a registered Republican and a Republican appointee. He is a dedicated career public servant who has always been praised and trusted by both sides of the aisle. You wouldn't know it after four hours of Republican nonsense was thrown at Comey including insinuating he conspired with the White House and the Justice Department which brought a stern response from Comey telling Congressman Mica to look him in the eye.

Comey said he cared only about two things in life, the love of his family and his integrity. He shredded every accusation made and debunked every false comparison made including the case of David Petraeus.

Chairman Chaffetz asked if Hillary Clinton lied. Comey responded no not to the F.B.I. Chaffetz said what about her statements to Congress? Comey responded it had nothing to do with their investigation and no referral had been made by Congress. Chaffetz responded, "so you need a referral?" Comey replied yes we do. Chaffetz grinned and said you'll have one in a few hours.

So here we go again. The Republicans want another investigation. I would have to review the record but I would bet that Hillary Clinton's answer to those Congressional Committee questions were "to the best of my knowledge" and in those words another investigation is rendered moot.

The finding of eight classified documents being somehow mishandled through emails is a total for the four years of Clinton's term as Secretary of State and only three directly relate to Clinton herself and those documents carried a low classification.

We don't know what those documents say because they are,well, classified. We do know that approximately 2,000 e-mails which were not classified at the time they were sent have now been retroactively classified. We do know that many politicians and career civil servants have routinely complained that our government classifies too many documents that simply don't require it.

This is a political tactic being used to hurt Hillary Clinton and it probably will. It will end on General Election day, one way or the other. At that point either she will be President and the wind in Republican sails will mysteriously shift or Donald Trump will be President and this affair will quickly revert to what it was all along, irrelevant.


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