Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

The first two days of the Republican Convention are now over. Each night was to have a specific theme but that didn't happen. It has been wall to wall Hillary Clinton is an evil maniacal monster that should be put in prison.

Hellfire is raining down on America and only Trump has an asbestos umbrella, not enough room for all of us, but the special will be saved. This is the most negative convention I've seen in my lifetime and I'm a political junkie who always watches them. This one is excruciatingly painful.

Only Tiffany Trump, his daughter by Marla Maples, gave a positive humanizing speech about Donald Trump. Very few speakers have spoken glowingly about Donald Trump and laid out a case for why he would be a good President. There has been no case made based on policies. It has been disorganized and amateurshly managed. Trump is so pompous and narcissistic he has made an appearance every night.

Chris Christie delivered a bombastic speech in the guise of an indictment of Hillary Clinton. As a former U.S. Attorney he knows full well that everything he said is legally untrue and nothing but red meat for those who already hate Hillary and will vote for Trump, that's not the audience he needed to be talking to. He gave no reason for voting for Donald Trump. Christie blamed Hillary Clinton for every single thing that's wrong in the world, wow, Hillary must never sleep. Christie's brain has atrophied from being to close to Trump's ass. His boss is one of the most pro Vladimir Putin supporters in the country, he thinks he's just great and doesn't have a problem with him walking into any of Russia's backyards including Ukraine. Christie seems oblivious to the fact that Trump wants to raise the drawbridge and withdraw from the world. A wasted speech from a hard ass that can do better.

I was not impressed with Donald Trump Jr's speech and that separates me from most liberal and conservative talking heads who praised it and think he'll be running for public office in the future. Unlike those talking heads I'm actually poor, I prefer economically challenged, and I know bullshit when I here it. Because of the nature of some jobs I've had I have known many affluent and even rich people. I've also read these things called books. A rich man making his children go to work with them and learn the family business from the ground up including performing every menial task is not atypical. Trump is not unique and I am not in awe of Don Jr. getting his hands dirty when at the end of the day he would return to the Tower and wash those hands under solid gold faucets and have his Little Lord Fauntleroy ass wiped by the help.

Now on to night three and a speech by the infinitely bland Mike Pence.

I better make a booze run. 


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