Doink Doink Donald

All political conventions are boring even for we junkies. But we watch them in the event something important happens or we get a glimmer of something hopeful. The Republican Convention ended in Cleveland last night. It was and I say this with great sincerity, the most vile and negative convention I have witnessed in my lifetime and I've been watching them for decades. I suppose it was to be expected given the way Donald Trump has conducted his campaign since day one.

Ivanka Trump gave one of the best and most positive speeches of the convention. Her introduction of her father was a portrait of a man we've never met and didn't see last night.

Donald Trump spoke for one hour and fifteen minutes. The longest acceptance speech in modern history. Unbelievably he stayed focused on the teleprompter and delivered his speech as written. Like his rally speeches he doubled down on every whacky thing he has said. He promised the biggest tax cuts in the history of America and then proceeded to list all of the things he is going to do. Build up the military, rebuild and expand our infrastructure, including high speed rail and fixing our airports. He's right about our infrastructure, even a blind squirrel can find a nut, but how will he pay for any of it if he starts with the biggest tax cut in history. Contrary to what Trump says his tax cuts will be for the rich and corporations, not the middle class. He is not a champion of the common man and if you are supporting him because you believe that, you will be greatly disappointed if he becomes President.

It is an insult to continually hear Trump and his family say what a great sacrifice he is making by running for President. It is no sacrifice. He wants to be President of the United States and is having tons of fun doing it because it's all about his favorite subject, himself. He is not losing any money. He continues to direct his business affairs through his family and even promotes his business interests through his campaign. The money he has loaned his campaign will be repaid, I guarantee it. So remember that, if you're a person of limited means thinking of donating to the Trump Campaign, do you really want to underwrite the endeavors of a self proclaimed billionaire?

Donald Trump has told the American people from the beginning of his campaign that he understands how the system works, he says it with a grin and a wink. He is a benefactor and  exploiter of every loophole that exists, as are his closest friends, he will not fix but will expand that system. He will slash corporate taxes to virtually nothing and if you think he will actually take on the likes of Ford, Nabisco and Carrier, you are deluding yourself and playing right into his hands. He is a salesman and he knows what you want to hear. His brand of populism is not about the people it is about the cult of personality and the advancement of one, himself. If you looked him in the eye and told him he was a pile of shit, he would be happy that you recognized him.

Trump has been channeling Richard Nixon, sans the brain power, for many months. Law and Order is his new mantra but it is an old ploy in politics, though I'm sure Trump thinks he invented it. His vision is the order of the baton for dissenters and protective law for the privileged and muted. The only law and order we should want Trump near is a reboot of the Dick Wolf series and he can play the D.A.

Trump is not a Republican or a conservative, he is a Nationalist with fascist tendencies, though he is ignorant of the meaning of either of those words. He is weaving a web of hate, frustration and mistrust that is destructive to our country as a whole and frightens a world that looks to us for stability and sound reasoning. He is exploiting a poisonous infection within millions of our citizens. He is not Ronald Reagan, to the contrary, rather than appealing to our better angels he is deliberately spreading negative thoughts and soliciting mob rage.

I have no personal animus toward Donald Trump. He was always just a famous businessman who loved publicity, I cared nothing about him. But now he wants to be President and could pull it off and that I do care about. He believes he is a messiah and millions of people are lining up to mindlessly worship him, this is beyond disturbing. I will never vote for this deceiver and I will not be silent about it. If you stumble upon this little missive and you are thinking of voting for Donald Trump I strongly urge you to do your homework and think logically.


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