The Truth Can Be Inconvenient

Today we celebrate the Independence of our nation. To that end I offer the following reflection.

" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

You will note the absence of the word God. That's because it was not originally there even though the pledge was written by a clergyman. It was not until the 1950's that our Congress added the word, yet most people believe it was always there.

One of the greatest and most celebrated of our founding fathers was Thomas Paine. It was he who gave the United States of America it's name and who vehemently fought for the Revolution. He also completely and without hesitation repudiated Christianity and the bible. He wrote, "My religion is to do good" and "My own mind is my own church."

What an unfortunate thing it is that so many people are so ignorant as to the true founding of this nation. What a further shame they have confused their own religious beliefs with what the founding fathers intended government and the formation of public policy to be.

To the terrorists of this world both domestic and foreign, the Christian radical and the jihadist Muslims who seek to condemn and murder in the name of their God I say you will not win. I would tell you to rot in hell but no such place exists except for that which you seek to create here on Earth with your perverted ideology. You will not win because reason and resilience will outlive you. You will fail to achieve your objectives so long as even one voice of truth calls out in the night like a beacon in the storm.

Have a happy 4th and remember books aren't just door stops.


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