D.N.C. Stupidity

The Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her top leadership need to resign from their positions.

The documents which have come to light showing that key leaders of the D.N.C. were discussing ways of discrediting Bernie Sanders is unacceptable. For instance they considered the possibility of casting doubt on his religious faith, which is Judaism. They were going to suggest that he was an atheist. Sanders has spoken about his faith but he never wore it on his sleeve like most politicians. Personally I wish he were an atheist but he's not. The D.N.C. knows full well that the mere accusation is enough to cause damage in a country full of people who profess some kind of religious faith, mostly Christian.

All political parties are run by those whose primary goal is to protect the institution of said party. To that end they always have candidates that they prefer and believe have the best chance to win but in theory they are supposed to remain quasi neutral during the primary process. The fact that they discussed ways to thwart Sanders is not acceptable. The fact that they were stupid enough to put their thoughts on paper is gross negligence. Whether or not Shultz herself knew about it doesn't matter, the buck stops with her.

There is no evidence that the Clinton Campaign knew anything about this matter but at a minimum Clinton should publicly denounce those involved. Shultz should resign and not put Clinton in the position of having to deal with this mess at a time when unifying with the Sanders supporters is imperative.


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