Oh Those E-mails

After one solid year of investigating Hillary Clinton's so called E-mail scandal the F.B.I. turned in it's findings, but instead of just submitting the report to the Justice Department, Director James Comey opted to deliver a public address on the issue. It is an unprecedented act for a Director and it is inappropriate.

The F.B.I. reports to the Justice Department and it is up to them to review the report, make a determination and then disclose to the public. Comey said that there should be no prosecutions because nothing individually or collectively represent intentional wrongdoing. He raked Clinton and her staff over the coals and essentially accused them of being careless and that eight top secret E-mails were exchanged.

They could not establish that Clinton's private server was hacked but quote "that doesn't mean it wasn't", unquote. Well here's something we absolutely know was hacked, official guarded and encrypted government servers by the Russians and Chinese.

The right is apoplectic, go figure, over what appears to be a decision that no prosecutions will occur. Here's the thing though, the Justice Department has not made that determination yet. The F.B.I. does not decide who does or does not get prosecuted.

Let me point out that when this investigation began it was referred to by the F.B.I. as a security review, only later did the language change to "criminal investigation".

The minimal importance of this issue is irrelevant. Hillary Clinton should not have used a private server because it looks bad. She stands judged guilty in the court of public opinion, at least among those who already hate her. The test is what Independent voters really think and how they will respond in November. Donald Trump keeps saying she should be in jail, he is full of sheep dip and because he is a reckless loose cannon she has the opportunity to overcome this.

As for Director Comey's highly unusual press address, it clearly comes under the heading of C.Y.A. He wanted to publicly rebuke Hillary Clinton for his own legacy purposes.


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