Donkey Rides

At this time we will leave our regularly scheduled program, The Trumpenator© to bring you a brief look at the Democratic Party's race for the Presidency.

History is inevitable, individuals are not. Hillary Clinton is poised to be a history maker but even inevitability needs a nudge. Clinton needs to step up her game after labor day. She needs to do more media and lay out a strong vision for the future. As of this posting she is being defined by others as unethical, manipulative and untrustworthy. There are politicians and media figures regurgitating untruths and distortions concerning her use of a private e-mail server. You can't disprove a negative but in politics lies become truth very quickly because the information morphs to become what the voter is already inclined to believe.

While the Republicans have a huge field, for obvious reasons, the Democratic contenders are few. Democrats aren't known for being disciplined and following the unwritten rule of it's your turn, go ahead. Clinton is the leader of the pack without a doubt, some may even wish she had won in 2008, but there are no guarantees in politics.

Bernie Sanders is an unlikely candidate because he honestly states and always has, that he's a socialist. Not the scary kind but the modern European kind. Nevertheless a lot of people in various parts of this country consider such beliefs abhorrent, even as they cash their Social Security check and present their Medicare card at the doctor's office. He's honest, straight forward and loves to answer questions. I've said before if every American who can vote showed up and voted their best interest, Bernie Sanders would be the next President of the United States but they won't show up. With the traditional electorate in place there's an even split with a few percent as independents making the decision.

Martin O'Malley is a good politician but he's got a problem with enthusiasm, not his but the Democratic voter. You know your campaign is in trouble when someone not running is beating you in the polls. (Yes I am aware that my position on polls is well known in this blog, but since it infects all of the body politic, we will go with it.)

Lincoln Chaffee, former Republican, former independent and then a Democrat. If every other candidate drowns he may have a path to the nomination but it would be tough. His main campaign theme is Hillary Clinton isn't qualified because she voted for the Iraq War. It doesn't pop on a bumper sticker.

Jim Webb, Vietnam veteran, best selling author, former Secretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan, anti Iraq War lecturer and one term U.S. Senator from Virginia. A good and honorable man but no ground swell for his candidacy.

Now to Vice-President Joe Biden who is beating all three of the previously mentioned candidates and he isn't running, at least not yet. Will he? He's run twice before so it's in his blood. In 2007 he frequently gave better answers in the debates than did the three leaders. He ran out of money but surprised many by staying on message and remaining disciplined. He is often made fun of for his so called gaffes but they are also a part of his authenticity. I don't know if he will run or not. If I were in his shoes I definitely would or at least put everything in place to jump in.

Rumors of Al Gore running seem very unrealistic. Gore's time was a rematch with Bush in 2004 or a reemergence in 2008. I don't see a clear path to the nomination for him. Gore can be funny, engaging and articulate when he's not running for President. When candidate Gore comes out, he's stiff, reserved and remarkably unrefreshing. This is a far fetched notion, a fishing expedition that should result in no bites.


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