The Silent Majority Strikes Back...
Pardon my simplicity, but the Republican Party is in deep doody.
At the start of Trump's campaign he resurrected the phrase the silent majority. A mantra created by Richard M. Nixon. Nixon was written off by the Republican Party after losing the Presidency to Kennedy then his 1962 race for Governor of California. The man was done, over, put the fork in. But then quietly, one rubber chicken dinner at a time he gathered his forces. He coined a phrase, these vast numbers of voters who felt left out. Who didn't march, sign petitions or complain to anyone other than the dog, the silent majority. Nixon was right and before you burst a blood vessel I'm not suggesting Trump is Nixon's intellectual equal but he doesn't have to be.
Every third or fourth sentence out of Trump's mouth is a truth and not by accident. He knows what he's doing. The Republican Party should collectively wet their pants because this man actually wants to be President, has he surprised himself?
He is not laying out any specifics but says they exist and will be coming out over time. Possibly as early as September.
He's laying out the bait that he may select a woman as his running mate. He's holding a press conference before each event he speaks at. He's quietly marshalling forces on the ground in Iowa, like a real candidate. He's attacking quickly and strategically every Republican who draws their sword on him and deminishes them with each syllable uttered. He's mirroring the media's hyperbole about Hillary Clinton's campaign, about her legal entanglements which in fact do not exist except in the minds of a media intent on creating a Democratic Party crisis. He suggests Clinton won't even be in the campaign, she'll have to withdraw.
Crazy like a fox would be the appropriate term at this time. It is indeed early, not a single vote has been cast.
Conservative columnist George Will has written a 5,000 word article calling for the purge of Donald J. Trump. He cites the famous moment in the modern conservative movement when William F. Buckley Jr. drove the fanatical John Birch Society out of that movement and by extension the Republican Party. There are two major problems with Will's call to action. The first is Trump is not a bircher, a birther but not a bircher. Second and most important there are no Buckleys left. No individual conservative or group has the credibility to take such a stand.
The traditional method for getting rid of an unwanted candidate is to use party functionaries to initiate whisper campaigns and dump money in negative ads. This was done as recently as 2012 when it looked like Newt Gingrich was going to get the nomination. This technique won't work on Trump. His fame and fortune combined with his love of verbal combat make him virtually indestructible.
Trump may not actually be saying anything but he says it a lot and he's everywhere, blanketing social media and calling in to every morning "news"show on the air. His press conferences are being broadcast in full. There's no mystery, he's good for ratings and the rest are not.
The pundits say Trump is never going to rise above 25% of the Republican vote. He's just a summertime fling and he'll fade away, his shtick will wear thin. I wouldn't bet on it. Could he become the nominee? Yes and sadly he's not the worst choice in that bloated field. In fact if the voters of America make the choice to put a Republican back in the White House, it might not be so bad if it were Trump. The U.S. has increasingly become a Corporatacy so why not complete the circle and stop pretending.
We've many miles to go before we sleep...let us hope we don't have nightmares.
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