It's Debatable...

Unfortunately Fox made the decision to broadcast the first Republican debate on FOX News Channel only and not go wide with it's affiliate channels across the country. I don't get FOX News from my cable company, which is odd considering I live in cornhole country. Even without me they managed to get twenty-four million viewers. Make no mistake, those numbers were because of Trump. FOX should be kissing his ass today, maybe send a fruit basket.

I've seen the wrap-ups, analysis and clips of the debate. Eventually it will be shown on C-Span and I'll catch it in full then. But it would appear that true substance was lacking, not entirely unexpected but disappointing.

Here's my advice for Donald Trump, double down, dig in and come out swinging. Most of the politicians on that stage have courted Trump in the past and have sought campaign contributions, I would make all their names well known. Trump answered honestly about donating to both political parties and here is the complete picture, with just a handful of exceptions, wealthy businessmen spread the political money around because it's not about ideology for them, it's about access.

Trump should definitely keep the threat of an independent run in his arsenal.

The question to Trump about calling women bad names is about his feud with Rosie O'Donnell, it was word for word. Megan Kelly's inference that it was about more  doesn't pass the smell test. I also don't remember FOX News, including Megan Kelly, coming to O'Donnells defense at the time and chiding Trump for his remarks.

Chris Wallace brought up Trumps bankruptcies and why he should be trusted to run the country's economy, by the way the only economy reference in the debate. Trump used the laws on the books to his benefit and got the political influence he paid for. One has nothing to do with the other. How many of those candidates on stage, including the kiddie stage at 5:00 P.M., have filed for bankruptcy protection?

Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, who are polling at 2 and 3 respectively did not distinguish themselves from the pack. True it's early in the game but Bush needs to retool his campaign before he winds up fading away as the best financed candidate in the race.

Walker is beginning to look a lot like Tim Pawlenty, who was supposed to be the sleeper candidate of 2012. Remember the Pawlenty Presidency?

Think Donald will be so nice in the next debate?


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