Napping In New Hampshire
Over the years I've watched on T.V. and personally attended many boring political events but last night's gathering of fourteen Republican Presidential candidates at Ansem College in New Hampshire was the worst. The event was co-sponsored by the Manchester Union-Leader, a leading newspaper and voice for Republicans. Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilmore were not in attendance. Gilmore would have loved to be there but he didn't get in the race soon enough. Huckabee simply declined in a voice mail. Trump said no because he's feuding with the Union-Leader. Frankly those that didn't show up missed nothing.
The format was terrible. Each candidate would go up on stage for some questions from the moderator in a variety of rounds. The candidates did not engage with one another. All of their answers were dry, uninformative and predictable. Most of them seemed unusually nervous and shaky. Rand, Cruz and Rubio were live via satellite from D.C.
It was such a snoozefest I had to work a crossword at the mid-point. These candidates need to wake up and smell the coffee. Barack Obama is not your opponent in 2016 nor is his record. You have to get the nomination of your party first and that means getting past Donald Trump. You need to articulate your vision for the future of this country. Vision, look it up in the dictionary if you're unfamiliar with it. What worked in 1980 won't work now much less what you're trying to sell from 1880.
All of those appearing are professional politicians and used to dealing with crowds but they seemed off balance and acted like they were in High School running for Class President. Lindsey Graham brought up Bill Clinton's "sex with that woman" statement. Really Lindsey? You do remember Bill Clinton kicked your ass? No matter how hard you and your cohorts tried to defeat him politically, you couldn't. So you impeached him and tried to convict him in the Senate, you failed there too. Get out now Lindsey, it's truly not worth your effort.
Speaking of getting out now. Jim Gilmore, what are you thinking? You ran in 2008 and was the first to drop out, here's to maintaining your tradition!
Perry, Jindal, Fiorina and Santorum, just go away. None of you are going to be chosen for V.P. or considered for future cabinet positions. You're expiration dates are passed. Governor Pataki, why?
To Jeb Bush, you've been stepping on your dick since your campaign began, stop it. Just stop it. We have always been told that you're the smart Bush child, you are not demonstrating that. Get you're act together. Maybe you should call your compassionate conservative older brother for some advice.
I'm nodding off people and that means you're in trouble.
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