Self Servers
Hillary Clinton has turned over the private server and thumb drive which we have heard way too much about. It is now in the hands of the Justice Department, voluntarily provided which you will not hear emphasized.
It will mean nothing. Her opponents will spin the story to say she scrubbed it clean and then turned it over. After all, she's a Clinton, why else would she turn it over.
All of this over Benghazi. Why is it again that we are still discussing this aside from it's historical detail? Seven Congressional Committees have investigated Benghazi and concluded, pardon my banality, it is what it is. There was no wrongdoing by Secretary Clinton or anyone else. Let me repeat that, seven Congressional Committees have already concluded no wrongdoing. Those committees were all under the control of Republicans. Can we all say hypocritical manipulators of the people's house? They are so desperate to stop Clinton, they are continuing to suggest she did something wrong with regards to Benghazi in spite of evidence and their own conclusions to the contrary.
Clinton will once again appear before Congress on this issue in October. No doubt she will be excoriated by the designated Republican hit team on the committee. Now however they won't be able to ask why she didn't just turn over the server. They will suggest it was done too late and not so subtly suggest it could have been tampered with.
Facts need never interfere with a good political yarn.
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