It Came In the Mail...Public Advocate of Gay Bashing

Welcome to the first of a new recurring series titled "It Came In the Mail". I get a lot of shit in the mail and I do mean shit. I didn't request it, they simply chose to intrude on my solitude so this series will not contain my normal civility. I will not go out of my way to be courteous to the buffoons plaguing our land or at the very least my land. I'm the King of my castle and trespassers will be treated to hot oil.

First up is a group or one person, who can really tell, called Public Advocate. It comes in the guise of an official looking presentation. The Hon. Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate of the United States. It's not a government agency and this is made clear in capital letters on the last page. They've clearly been complained about. This is a three page double sided bird cage filler that I will address in sequence.

1. "Dear Pro-Family American, It's a dark time for our country...Even though the U.S. Supreme Court just struck down Real Marriage...have an opportunity to strike back against the Supreme Court."

Every sane person in the world is pro family so it's surprising this organization is. All marriages are real whether you like it or not. By real marriage you of course are referring to heterosexuals of which 50% end in divorce, so you are in fact an advocate of the destruction of the nuclear family. Striking back against the Supreme Court would be by going to the Super Duper Supreme Court?

2."While these nine unelected Supreme Court Justices arrogantly believe they are the law of the land, they do not have the final word."

Those nine Justices are unelected by design of the founding fathers in a little document we call the Constitution, so yes Eugene they are the law of the land and do indeed have the final word. Incidentally, some of those founding fathers were homosexual.

3. "Representative Steve King (R-IA) filed a bill to shred the Supreme Court's power to destroy Real Marriage. This bill strips rogue judges of their authority and funding to punish Christians who refuse to comply with so-called homosexual  marriage".

This is not surprising since Steve King is well known for his hostility toward anything that isn't him. What's truly scary is how many nutbags live in his home district and keep returning him to Washington, where he routinely introduces legislation which has no chance and wastes taxpayers time and money. By rogue judges you mean those who rule in a way you don't like, under those terms the majority of society has gone rogue, kinda like that there Sarah Palin. Now when you say punishing Christians are you referring to the ones that enjoy a good spanking or the one's who just like to whine that they're only the dominant religious majority of the country and simply don't believe in the separation of Church and State? No Church can be, has been or ever will be forced to conduct a wedding ceremony for a gay couple. Some do on their own and many mainstream Christians support marriage equality, what about them? Are they anti family and Christianity?

Originally this was going to be a nine point post but I think you get it. This piece of mail is four pages of attacking gay people and the "homosexual agenda" to shove their sick ideas on poor unsuspecting Christians. They even attack their fellow Republicans who support marriage equality, even naming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for stating the Supreme Court's decision is now the law of the land.

I've heard a lot about this "homosexual agenda" and their "radical Lobby" so I decided to visit their world headquarters in Miami, Florida. The offices were surprisingly quite lovely. Decorated in muted tones with Scandinavian furniture. After a few cocktails and a plate of scrumptious crab cakes we finally got right down to it. Turns out it's true, they have an agenda, they want to be treated like everyone else. Equal rights, not special rights. Shocking.

The Hon. Eugene Delgaudio is neither honorable or leading a noble cause. He is a charlatan using hate and fear to line his own pocket, for that is the true purpose of his mailer, to get you to send money to fight the evil homosexuals. He knows he's full of shit but exploiting bigotry keeps him living large.


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