
Before we get to the heart of the post,let's take a moment to reflect on the raw power of Kanesrealm. Check it out, msnbc is now MSNBC. I am positively giddy with influence.

Now back to our program already in progress. Mr. Trump issued his first policy paper and it's a doozey on immigration. He wants to eliminate birthright citizenship, the so called anchor babies. One small impediment would be the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, pesky little document. If you're born here you are a citizen period. Trump is under the misguided belief that there are lawyers who believe there's a case to be made for his argument that people who can read are incorrect about what the Constitution states. Only a lawyer on crack and who's been disbarred believes this. What court would hear such a case? Only through the amendment process could you repeal the 14th. So that's not happening.

Trump says he'll deport the eleven million alleged illegals by trippling the number of immigration enforcement officers to 15,000. So, 15,000 versus 11 million. No word on how to pay for more officers and isn't that technically enlarging the size of government, which is taboo to conservatives? So that's not going to happen.

Building the wall and making Mexico pay for it. No real detail on this but let's play theoreticals. Mexico states emphatically that they will not be paying for the wall. There are only two possible ways to achieve this. The first is to withhold any foreign aid, this includes law enforcement dollars. It's doubtful this would be acceptable to the State Department or even a Republican dominated Congress. The second is to slap very large tariffs on all commercial goods entering the U.S. through Mexico. This will directly effect many American companies that won't be happy, to put it mildly. The NAFTA agreement may also interfere in this course of action. Trump might not be able to be bought but Congress can. So, not likely. Only the good old American tax dollars will be able to build the wall and Trump will find little enthusiasm for that.

Lest you think Trump is alone on that 14th Amendment thing, think again. He has company among some of his fellow candidates including Ben Carson and Scott Walker.

There you have it, Trump's first policy paper. Can't wait for the next one!


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