The Problem With msnbc...

Perhaps the biggest problem is they should make the letters all capital. But that would require a decisive commitment.

You may or may not have noticed that msnbc has upended it's daily lineup, again. The person who should be let go is Phil Griffin, the big cheese of the network. I'd call him President but I don't want to offend any anti FOX sentiments. President is such a corporate view point.

One of the reasons FOX beats msnbc is because they have never lost sight of their mission. They present a right wing agenda 24/7, I won't use the word conservative because that would be an insult to the real ones. Contrast that with msnbc which hasn't got a clue what their mission is.

Whether they wish to admit it or not, this is aimed at Phil, Keith Olbermann put that network on the map. Whether you liked Olbermann or hated him you were never bored or confused about where he stood. His ratings were also the highest so it sure makes sense to have let him go.

Chris Matthews is a fixture and has been at it a long time, but his cranky uncle routine is like fingernails on a chalkboard, sometimes.

I guess the real problem is that all of these channels that call themselves news networks really aren't. Let's face it the actual news can be delivered in a few minutes three or four times a day. The rest is just opinion and commentary, which is fine but make it interesting and don't pretend it's something else.

If it is now their intent to just be a "news" channel I recommend they fire everybody and replace them with a handful of British narrators to repeat the same lines on a loop. They're so pleasant and smart sounding. They also have a calming effect. Just sit back with a nice cup of tea and zone out to our social conflicts and unresolved wars.

Also, get rid of your prison shows Phil, unless it's you posing undercover. Show a variety of interesting documentaries. If you can't think of any just ask the new on air Brits, they can call the BBC on your behalf. Maybe a close look at the Boobies. The birds, not the breasts.


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