It's a Queer Thing
L.G.B.T., Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexual and Transgender, a succinct acronym, no problem. Apparently it isn't sufficient. Lately we're hearing a Q added at the end. Donald Trump, of all people, said this in his acceptance slash the world is ending speech in Cleveland. He slightly snickered when it slipped from his pie hole but did manage to get it out. There's no way he came up with the line so it must have been Ivanka. But the Trumps did not invent it. If they had the Q would be in gold followed by another T, much larger than the first. This new thing seems to be spreading but it's not new. Where was I? Oh yes, I was still using proper dictionaries when this total perversion of a word took root. In the past year and a half it's common use has begun with the blessings of the Equality Foundation and even amongst some in the Human Rights Campaign. It should not be used and I will tell you why. The word queer is in fact, less we forget, an actual word. It means odd. Al...