
Donald Trump knows things that nobody else knows about the Russian hacking of the D.N.C. and meddling in our Presidential election. Trump understands hacking and the Russians are not guilty. Trump knows more than the President of the United States, all of his intelligence agencies and federal entities combined. Thank goodness for Donald Trump and he's going to tell us everything he knows about this matter on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. Oh wait, this is Wednesday and it's almost over and no disclosures have been made by Trump.

Trump is praising Julian Assange and Wikileaks, a man Trump once described as disgraceful. But hey, Julian's okay right now because he was helpful to Trump and he is saying uncategorically that the Russians did not provide Wikileaks with any hacked information, alright Julian, settle down.

If you're a fan of Assange that's your prerogative but remember that all of his original partners, the ones that actually built the Wikileaks platform to be a true whistleblower forum, abandoned Assange because of his behavior starting with the massive dump of information which led to the revelation of American operatives and other information that didn't belong in the public arena. His partners said whoa, we need to review this material before simply dumping it without thought of consequence. Assange ignored them and did what he wanted.

Maybe Trump could bring Assange to the White House as an advisor, but be careful Julian, if you piss him off you'll find yourself dropped at the Swedish Embassy.

Donald Trump knows nothing about these hacks that our intelligence community doesn't know. Unless he is an operative of the Russian Government or he himself hired the 400 pound 14 year old basement dwelling hacker to disrupt the election. What say you Donald? Are you one of those two things? Or are you just a bloviating dilweed that we must endure?

Yeah, that's what I thought. More to come on this developing story about the narcissistic personality disorder demogic tyrant who's about to be the President of the United States.


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