Ding Dong Congress is In

The new session of Congress officially began yesterday. The super duper amped up Republican control of all branches of government is at hand and up first in the House on the night of January 2, while no one was watching a group of Republican delinquents moved to get rid of the Independent House Ethics Commission. Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McCarthy didn't want this to happen but they were ignored which tells you they have no power over their own caucus. But the public was watching and reached out in rage bombarding Congress with phone calls. Even Donald Trump tweeted his displeasure that they had chosen this as their first act. To be clear, Trump doesn't mind them getting rid of the ethics commission, he just feels they should wait, (read the tweet.) So down the drain went this first initiative.

So what to do? Oh yes, the chestnut, the official introduction of the Bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. If you read regularly you're about to experience dejavu, get used to it. In politics and any good campaign for anything it's about repitition, repitition, repitition. The Affordable Care Act is the Conservative Republican plan for dealing with healthcare in the United States, they simply do not want to ackowledge it's origins because it was made reality by Barack Obama, whom they despise. Republicans have no other plans to turn to and they are lying when they say otherwise. The only course for them to take is to roll back to the original system of good luck Mr. and Mrs. America and don't decieve yourself into thinking that's a good thing because they also want to gut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. They speak of competition being the key to their "plan", there is no competition among health insurance companies, they are a small group with enormous power and no incentive to do anything but what they are doing, which is screwing over the American consumer. The majority of insured people in this country get their healthcare through their employer and they contribute to it's cost, those costs are also going up, because the insurance companies can act without regard to the consequences. Increase in profits outweighs good public policy.

The medical industrial complex of the United States must be eliminated and the only way to do that is with a single payer universal system that every citizen is in. No one should ever have to worry about whether or not they can see a doctor, pay for prescriptions or get life saving treatment. As a nation we are a disgrace to continue with this greedy disregard for simple human needs. Think about just one part of this stupidity, pharmaceutical companies through their influence in Congress prevent us from buying our prescriptions from countries like Canada which are approximately 50% less than our costs, we're told this is about safety which is a lie. Almost every pill we take, including over the counter, is manufactured in India and China, swallow that and then tell me you believe our government is just trying to protect us from unsafe drugs.

Wake up and act before it's too late. We are at the mercy of greedy corporations that could care less if we die cold and alone in a ditch, except for figuring out how to make money on removing our body from said ditch.


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