This Is My Hat and I'm the Dick That Wears It!

Only one person on the planet will get the complete meaning of the title of this commentary, he frequently has referred over the long years to my wearing of the dickhat, which means idiots piss me off and I show it.

Today I abruptly left Facebook, oh yeah, I did. My page is still there but I'm not. Last week I purged my cellphone of the app and returned it to the factory setting and disabled said installed basic function. Can you believe that shit? Facebook is already jacked in when you get your phone, you can't wipe it out.

I know a lot of people love Facebook, I don't and yet I have become hooked on repeatedly checking it on a daily basis and for what? I ask you, for fucking what? I created an account in July of 2016 and simultaneously created a Twitter account. I did these two things for one reason, to promote this blog. I had never been on Facebook and maintained I never would because of my belief it's a giant fake waste of time and in spite of it's top ranking in social media it is anything but social. I'm right, boy how I hate being right so damn much.

The premise of Facebook is to make "friends" and learn about people around the world, bullshit! I have violated my own code of ethics. When I say you're my friend it means something, I'm old fashioned that way, the people you befriend on Facebook don't even reach the level of casual acquaintance and learn about other cultures? You can fucking forget that except for discovering that there are just as many morons worldwide as in the U.S. who think Donald Trump is a good idea! That's right if you voted for Trump you're a moron, the gloves are off and the hat's back on and I'm purging myself of the Falsebook touchy feely click the like button, please like me, did they like my post, fuck that and fuck you! The folks who get it, welcome aboard, the rest of you schmucks can walk the plank.

Falsebook is a swamp of disinformation, lies and vile propaganda interrupted with videos of dogs humping, videos of assholes, memes of unknown origin and countless shares of shit I know not what, hit that button.

The United States and thanks to Falsebook, I now know the whole world is teetering on the edge of complete lunacy and stupidity which rivals the dark ages. In fact a new dark age is here. Chew on that bone fido, then go take a shit on your neighbors lawn.


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